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Radio Features

Mega Drought and the Agricultural Implications

00:05:00.042 2021-08-17   
Two of USDA's top experts -- a meteorologist and an economist -- discussed how the mega drought in the western United States is affecting and will continue to affect agriculture. Stephanie Ho reports in this edition of "Agriculture USA".

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. USDA Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer.

The Outcome of Updates to SNAP Base Calculations

00:02:40.653 2021-08-17   
Recent recalculations to the base plan for USDA’s Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program benefits brought forth updated benefit numbers. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

Breaking Down USDA Emergency Healthcare Grants

00:02:47.209 2021-08-17   
Two types of grants are now available for rural communities and health care centers to strengthen existing and add new care offerings and facilities. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Justin Maxson.

ReConnect's Vital Connection to Rural Broadband Facilitation

00:02:36.839 2021-08-17   
The latest round of USDA ReConnect funding awards are reflective of the importance in building up high speed connectivity in rural America. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Jim Matheson of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Shirley Bloomfield of the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association

A Decade of Biobased Product Label Certification

00:02:41.854 2021-08-17   
A USDA label that assures biobased product certainty for both producers and consumers is celebrating its tenth year. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Rural Development Deputy Under Secretary Justin Maxson.

This Year's Back to School Time May Be Traumatic for Young Children

00:02:54.811 2021-08-17   
Parents may praise the long-awaited re-opening of schools and day care centers, but young kids may feel differently. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Bradford Wiles, Extension Child Development Specialist at Kansas State University.

Connecting the Farm via Broadband Through ReConnect

00:02:30.386 2021-08-17   
Various farm and rural advocates explains the importance of high speed broadband to ag operations in general, and the importance of USDA's ReConnect program specifically. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Dale Moore of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Shirley Bloomfield of the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association.

USDA's Latest Corn Crop Forecast--Not the Last Word

00:02:33.443 2021-08-17   
USDA's latest corn crop forecast caused a stir, but experts say don't set it in stone. A lot could happen in the next month. Gary Crawford reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Lance Honig with USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer.

USDA Doing Survey to Assess Feral Swine Damage to Livestock Operations

00:02:30.099 2021-08-17   
Livestock producers will tell you that feral swine are doing a lot of damage. USDA is trying to find out how much damage. Gary Crawford has this story.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Travis Averill with USDA's National Ag. Statistics Service. Sophie McKee with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Also, one heck of a boar.

Technological Advances in Seed Testing

00:02:13.773 2021-08-17   
Use of innovative seed testing involved in international trade continued to be explored as methods to detect pathogens and other phytosanitary concerns. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA-APHIS Deputy Director for Plant Protection and Quarantine Osama El-Lissy.

Expanding AI in Ag Innovation Space

00:02:28.009 2021-08-17   
Planned National Science Foundation led Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes include two dedicated to agriculture. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and National Institute for Food and Agriculture Administrator Carrie Castille
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