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Radio Features

Being Sleepless in America is Downright Dangerous

00:05:00.094 2022-03-29   
Studies say that up to a third of us don't get the sleep we need to stay healthy, physically and mentally. Experts say that's causing some major problems. Gary Crawford has more on this wide awake edition of Agriculture USA.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Susan Harris, with University of Nebraska Extension. Also, classic comedians, W.C. Fields, Moe Howard and Curly Howard.

National 4-H Conference Brings Together Future Food and Farm Leaders

00:03:00.192 2022-03-29   
Leadership development is a key part of the National 4-H Program and was a focal discussion point at this year's National 4-H Conference. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. National Institute of Food and Agriculture Carrie Castille. Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Tractors Return to Washington, D.C.

00:02:30.099 2022-03-29   
Visitors to the Cherry Blossum Festival in Washington, D. C. also got to see the latest in farming technology. Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Curt Blades wih the Association of Equipment Manufacturers

Exploring Challenges of and Opportunities for Rural Care Economy

00:02:46.687 2022-03-29   
Hospitals, nursing home, and other facilities in rural areas are important to their local economies and social fabric, and face both various challenges as well as opportunities for improvements. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Under Secretary for Rural Development Xochitl Torres Small. Carrie Henning-Smith of the University of Minnesota.

Did Your Trees Get Hurt from those Late Winter and Early Spring Storms?

00:03:00.218 2022-03-29   
Those late winter and early spring storms may have damaged trees in your yard. Here's how to evaluate damage and fix it. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Dennis Patton, Kansas State University Extension Horticulturist.

Squaring Off Against Middle-of-the-Night Sleep Thieves

00:03:00.140 2022-03-29   
Can you go to sleep and stay that way all night? Most of us are not that lucky, but there are some things that could help us. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Susan Harris with University of Nebraska Extension. Also, Larry, Moe and Curly.

Lot's of Reasons Behind Current Fertilizer Supply/Price Situation

00:02:30.099 2022-03-29   
Many factors are coming together at one time to form what some call a "perfect storm" in the fertilizer sector. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Jenny Martin of the Fertilizer Institute.

Ag Trade Mission Among U.S.-U.K. Trade Building Efforts

00:02:28.819 2022-03-29   
Efforts presently and in coming months to build our nation's ag trade relationship with the United Kingdom including a USDA-led ag trade mission. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai. U.K. Secretary of State for International Trade Anne-Marie Trevelyan. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator Daniel Whitley.

Smaller Supplies/Higher Prices in the Offing for U.S. Alfalfa Hay

00:02:30.099 2022-03-29   
If you think alfalfa hay supplies are small and prices high right now, one expert says just wait. Gary Crawford has this less than melodious report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Katelyn McCullock with the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Also, the crooning member of the Little Rascals, Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer.

Producer Considerations Regarding Carbon Markets

00:02:22.027 2022-03-29   
What should farmers look at when deciding whether to become involved in carbon markets as a revenue opportunity? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Jason Weller of Land O'Lakes. Chris Harbourt of Indigo Ag. Andrew Lentz of Ecosystem Services Market Consortium.

Lack of Sleep is a Major Cause of Farm Accidents

00:02:30.125 2022-03-29   
Studies show many of us don't get the sleep we need to function well. This may be a cause of farm accidents. Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Susan Harris, University of Nebraska Extension.
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