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Potential Ag Innovations of the Future

As agriculture innovation is needed more than ever, development is underway for technologies, systems, and methods to help farmers and ranchers address a variety of global concerns. Rod Bain looks at some of these new innovations – those beginning to be applied now, and those being researched for future use, in this edition of “Agriculture USA”.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Keith Byerly of Agoro Carbon Alliance. Jason Ward of Novozymes. Ernie Shea of Solutions from the Land. Brian Bashaw and John Kilgo of the US Forest Service. Dave Hedt. USDA researcher Shawn Steffan. Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Funding Meat and Poultry Supply Chain Infrastructure Improvements

A new USDA Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program is now available to help eligible applicants improve and expand meat and poultry processing capabilities and strengthen supply chains. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Rural Business Cooperative Services Administrator Karama Neal

Recipe for a Killer Tornado

What causes a thunderstorm to suddenly turn into a tornado? Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Kentucky Governor Andy Bashear. Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist.

What Kind of Toys are Best for Young Children?

What are the best kinds of toys for Santa to give to young children? An expert gives his answer in this report from Gary Crawford.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kansas State University Associate Professor and Extension Child Development Expert Bradford Wiles.

Too Many Toys?

Are we giving our kids far too many toys for the holidays? One expert thinks so. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kansas State University Associate Professor and Extension Child Development Expert Bradford Wiles.

The Shift in Marketing Lamb to Consumers

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted the lamb meat industry to shift its marketing focus on the retail sector, creating a new customer base and plans to expand it. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Pete Camino of the American Lamb Board

New Fiscal Year Starts with Biggest Single Ag. Export Month Ever

The latest USDA Trade Update has mostly positive news on U.S. agricultural trade. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA economist, Bart Kenner.

Dairy Margin Coverage Details for 2022 Sign Up

Dairy producers have until February 18th to enroll in USDA's dairy safety net program, and can expect some updates regarding Dairy Margin Coverage in 2022. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux

Supporting Efforts in Food Animal Health

Multiple projects in animal disease prevention, preparedness, response, and research were recent recipients of USDA funding. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Moffitt

Recent EPA Announcements on Biofuels and Industry Thoughts

The biofuel industry recently learned of new blending volume targets as well as a decision regarding small refinery waivers as proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Emily Skor of Growth Energy. Robert White of the Renewable Fuels Association. Doug Berven of POET. Tom Haag of the National Corn Growers Association.

Where are the Christmas Tree Growers of the Future?

Christmas tree growers of today are worried that as they retire, there are no younger growers lined up to take over. Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Christmas tree growers, Blake Rafeld, Jay Bustard and Jim Gehlsen.