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Statement by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Following Swearing in of Robert Bonnie to Serve as Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation


WASHINGTON, November 19, 2021 — Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack made the following statement after the swearing in of Robert Bonnie to serve as Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation at USDA.

“Robert Bonnie’s confirmation to serve as Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation is a victory for our farmers and ranchers. Robert is one of the nation’s foremost authorities and leaders on working lands approaches to conservation and incentive-based climate and conservation practices. Under his leadership, we will see a renewed focus toward preparing our food and agricultural community to lead the world in climate-smart agricultural practices. Robert has a wealth of knowledge and is well prepared for his new role. I look forward to working with him to further USDA’s mission to best serve farmers and ranchers equitably and make climate smart practices work for them in a market-oriented way.”


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