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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Departure of Arthur "Butch" Blazer, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment


WASHINGTON, May 11, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued the following statement today on the departure of Arthur "Butch" Blazer, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment. Mr. Blazer's final day with USDA will be Friday, May 13, 2016.

"For nearly 40 years, Butch Blazer has served our nation with distinction as a leader on tribal relations and conservation at the tribal, state and federal levels, devoting much of his life to conserving the way of life and landscapes he cherishes so dearly. A member of the Mescalero Apache Tribe, Butch served his tribe as a council representative before being named the first Native American state forester in New Mexico in 2003. Prior to his service to New Mexico, Butch dedicated 27 years to the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs as a range management specialist, natural resources manager, and agency superintendent. Since coming to USDA in 2011, Butch has remained a key leader in USDA's efforts to implement a comprehensive Forest Planning Rule and provide for the long-term health and sustainability of our National Forests and Grasslands. More than anything, Butch has remained tireless in leading our efforts to build a new era for civil rights where all customers and communities are treated fairly. He has worked with tribal governments and communities across the country to build a strong relationship with USDA to create jobs, drive economic growth and strengthen tribal communities. I am grateful for his service and friendship, and wish him well."


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