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Press Release

USDA's May 12, 2015, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report to Incorporate Minor Table Changes


WASHINGTON, May 7, 2015 – The next World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, which will be released at 12 noon ET on May 12, will present USDA's initial assessment of U.S. and world crop supply and demand prospects and U.S. prices for the 2015/16 marketing year. It will also present the first calendar-year 2016 projections of U.S. livestock, poultry, and dairy products.

The WASDE U.S. Wheat Supply and Use Table on page 11 and the U.S. Feed Grain and Corn Supply and Use Table on page 12 have been reformatted to delete "CCC Inventory, Free Stock and Outstanding Loans." The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) grain inventories have been small to non-existent in recent years. The Outstanding Loans data are available from the Farm Service Agency website.

An example of the table changes on pages 11 and 12 are found on the following two sample WASDE pages (PDF, 110 KB).


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