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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack


WASHINGTON, March 28, 2014—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today released the following statement:

"Across the country, farmers and ranchers are taking action to protect natural resources, and the Administration's Methane Reduction Strategy provides additional voluntary actions producers can take to cut methane emissions. USDA will help producers implement these strategies, including methane capture technologies like anaerobic digesters and biogas systems, which create jobs and allow producers to tap into a $3 billion market for renewable energy. Since 2009, USDA has provided $62 million in support for 93 methane digester projects across the United States.

The voluntary strategies outlined today expand USDA's efforts to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. USDA's Climate Hubs conduct critical research to deliver practical tools and information to help farmers and ranchers. USDA and the Environmental Protection Agency have also challenged every American to do their part to reduce food thrown away at home to cut the amount of food waste in landfills producing greenhouse gases.

Collectively, these efforts will reduce the impact of climate change on farmers and ranchers, improve public health, and increase the security of our nation's food supply."


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