Streaming Media Archives

USDA Regional Equity Convening: Northeast Event
July 18th, 2024
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary and National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi joined Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding and Under Secretary for REE Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young in Philadelphia, PA, for the USDA Northeast Regional Equity Convening at a local urban farm. The event highlighted USDA’s efforts to center equity and USDA’s ongoing and holistic efforts to lift barriers to access; and address systemic discrimination or racial, economic, health and social disparities across the Department.
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Project Expo
USDA leadership, governmental and non-governmental partners hosted an expo featuring Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, a historic $3 billion investment in approximately 140 projects nationwide through which the U.S. Department of Agriculture is delivering on the promise of positioning American agriculture as a global leader in delivering voluntary, incentives-driven, market-based climate solutions.
USDA Science Showcase and Innovation Challenge Reveal
On Monday, September 30th, 2024, USDA Science held a virtual showcase of the cutting-edge research and innovation that impacts you and your communities every day. As part of this event, USDA and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) revealed the breakthrough projects selected for the “Nourishing Next Generation Agrifood Breakthroughs” (Innovation Challenge).
USDA Final Equity Convening
September 25, 2024
Join us on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, for the Final Equity Convening of 2024 – “The Power of Partnerships: Delivering on the Promise for the People’s Department” at USDA Headquarters in Washington D.C.
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Celebration
March 26, 2024
Join U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary virtually from a local rice packaging facility in Wisconsin to celebrate USDA’s historic Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities initiative alongside project partners including AgriCapture, Columbia Grain International, its subsidiary Enrich Foods, Edge Dairy and The DeLong Company. Through this initiative, USDA is creating new revenue streams for farmers from their climate-smart and sustainable agricultural practices.
USDA Forest Service Collaborative Wildfire Risk Reduction Program - Funding Announcement
September 10, 2024
U.S. Agriculture Secretary will announce a significant investment by the USDA to combat the nation’s wildfire crisis.
Virtual Back to School Pep Rally
Celebrating Healthy School Meals
August 29, 2024
U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Education are thrilled to be partnering with a wide range of education and school meal partners to celebrate the back-to-school season. Hear from U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary and Secretary Cardona on key priorities to ensure students have the resources they need to succeed this school year.
USDA Regional Equity Convening: Northeast Event
July 18, 2024
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary and National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi will join Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding and Under Secretary for REE Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young in Philadelphia, PA, for the USDA Northeast Regional Equity Convening at a local urban farm. The event will highlight USDA’s efforts to center equity and highlight USDA’s ongoing and holistic efforts to lift barriers to access; and address systemic discrimination or racial, economic, health and social disparities across the Department.
Harvesting Hope: Cultivating Scientific Solutions that Nourish People and Planet
Jun 13, 2024
USDA’s Agrifood Innovation Symposium is a showcase of the agricultural science and innovation that’s nourishing and powering our growing world. Hosted in partnership with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research, this event will feature remarks from the Agriculture Secretary who will make a special announcement during the Plenary Session about advancing USDA’s commitment to building a more nutritious, sustainable, and equitable agrifood system.
USDA Regional Equity Convening: Southeast
Hosted at the Sherrod Institute’s Farm Field Day in Albany, GA
May 16, 2024
Join U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary, Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, and senior agriculture officials live on May 16, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EDT) to learn about USDA’s efforts to increase access to resources, climate-smart agriculture, and local production practices.
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Celebration
March 26, 2024
Join U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary virtually from a local rice packaging facility in Wisconsin to celebrate USDA’s historic Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities initiative alongside project partners including AgriCapture, Columbia Grain International, its subsidiary Enrich Foods, Edge Dairy and The DeLong Company. Through this initiative, USDA is creating new revenue streams for farmers from their climate-smart and sustainable agricultural practices.
USDA Hosts National Equity Summit
February 22, 2024
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will host a National Equity Summit, a gathering of officials and stakeholders to discuss the efforts the Department has made under the US Administration to improve equity in its programs and services. As part of this event, USDA’s Equity Commission, co-chaired by Ambassador Ertharin Cousin and United Farm Workers President Emeritus Arturo S. Rodríguez, will present the final report of the Commission’s findings to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary and Deputy Secretary.
Rural Prosperity Town Hall
February 21, 2024
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary will hold a rural prosperity town hall at Edgecombe Community College in Tarboro, NC, hearing from community members and announce significant investments that will help rural communities access affordable, high-speed internet, improve water and wastewater infrastructure, and create jobs and economic opportunities.
2022 Census of Agriculture Data Release Event
February 13, 2024
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service announces the results of the 2022 Census of Agriculture, spanning millions of new data points about America’s farms and ranches and the people who operate them. The once-every-five-years Census of Agriculture remains the only source of uniform, comprehensive, and impartial agriculture data down to the county level.
USDA Holiday Party
November 28th, 2023
Join U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Under Secretary, and Forest Service Chief as we enter this holiday season.
ASCEND Nutrition Summit at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
November 14th, 2023
REE Under Secretary Dr. Jacobs-Young led the ASCEND Nutrition Summit at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA.
Swearing-In of U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary
July 17, 2023
Watch the swearing in of U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary.
Inaugural Program
From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals
June 21, 2023
Join us as we celebrate the next generation of agriculture professionals.
National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
May 24, 2023
Watch the dedication ceremony and ribbon cutting for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), which will be a leading global center for animal health, is a USDA facility and will be operated by two USDA agencies: the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), USDA’s chief intramural research agency, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), USDA’s lead agency in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants.
Inflation Reduction Act for Rural Energy Coops and Clean Energy in Rural Communities
May 8, 2023
Watch USDA announce billions in new funding through the Inflation Reduction Act for rural energy coops and clean energy in rural communities.
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities
February 8, 2023
Watch a panel discussion, with U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary, on the historic investment in USDA’s Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities.
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities
February 3, 2023
Watch an announcement by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary on a historic investment being made in projects from the second pool of the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities funding opportunity.
Historic Investment in Projects from Second Pool of Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities
December 12, 2022
Watch U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary in a virtual panel discussion on driving improvements in child health through school meals.
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities
September 14, 2022
Watch an announcement by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary on historic funding in USDA's Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities.
Increasing Land Access and Career Pathways for Next Gen Ag
August 24, 2022
Watch an announcement by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary on funding for land access and career pathways for Next Gen Ag professionals.
Food Systems Transformation
June 1, 2022
Watch an announcement by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary on USDA’s framework for shoring up the food supply chain and transforming the food system to be fairer, more competitive, and more resilient.
USDA Actions on Nutrition Security
March 17, 2022
Watch and address delivered by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary about USDA Actions on Nutrition Security at Teachers College, Columbia University.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Highlights Work to Combat Climate Change
February 7, 2022
Watch U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary speak at Lincoln University of Missouri highlighting work to combat climate change.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Gives Remarks Combatting Challenges in Agriculture
September 29, 2021
Watch U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary speak at Colorado State University’s Salazar Center’s Virtual International Symposium for Conservation Impact and announce a comprehensive set of investments to address challenges facing producers and agriculture, including market disruptions, climate change, and animal disease prevention.