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An Agriculture Community Commemorates the Mule Train to DC

Last month, I had the honor to serve as keynote speaker for The Mule Train’s 54th anniversary. The Mule Train left Marks, Mississippi and traveled to Washington, D.C., on May 13, 1968, as part of Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign to demand economic justice since Marks resided in the poorest U.S. county at the time. However, Dr. King did not witness the Mule Train because he was assassinated the month before the demonstration.

Rental Assistance Provides Options for Individuals and Families in Rural America To Find a Place to Call Home

There’s an old saying that goes, “Home is where you hang your hat.” For many Americans, home is much more than a structure with four walls and a roof. It’s where they showcase family photos in the hall or on the mantle, cook holiday meals, and rest after a long day. Home provides a place of comfort, security, and stability. For many individuals and families, that home is an apartment in a rural community made possible in part by Rental Assistance through USDA Rural Development (RD).

Cooking up Success as a CACFP Sponsor

The Food and Nutrition Service’s Mid-Atlantic Region recently joined forces with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture to recognize Programs for Parents, a Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsor in Essex County, NJ, with a regional CACFP Achievement Award for their creative and dedicated efforts to promote nutrition security among children. Their program emphasizes meal quality, nutrition education, and the overall wellness of its childcare providers, children and parents/caregivers.

The Buzz About Pollinators

It’s National Pollinators Week! As an annual celebration supporting pollinators and pollinator health, we want to highlight USDA’s ongoing investments in pollinator health, crop production, and conservation. USDA’s investments help ensure the continued health of pollinators and their contribution to agriculture, food systems and ecosystems.

Community Resources to Combat Climate Change and Food Loss and Waste

Local communities face many challenges when mitigating and adapting to climate change. Cities across the country are experiencing the effects of increased natural disasters, limited resources, sea-level rise, and other impacts. Municipalities and stakeholders have an opportunity to curb greenhouse gas emissions and increase food security through addressing food loss and waste.

VeggieRx: How an Urban Farm is Transforming Medical Care in Chicago

I’m Dr. Wayne M. Detmer, and I work at Lawndale Christian Health Center (LCHC) on Chicago’s west side. Like many neighborhoods around the country, our community members experience significant disparities in health outcomes. We’ve grown in our recognition that excellence in the exam room has its limits, and that to see real change, we need to think outside of exam room walls.

Caring for our Clients

USDA and the Biden Administration have been working hard for months to get more safe infant formula onto shelves across the country. Ending this shortage is a top priority. In the meantime, we’ve heard many uplifting stories of neighbors helping neighbors and strangers reaching out to lend a helping hand. We’ve also seen WIC staff across the country go the extra mile to help the families they serve.

USDA Proposes New Rule for Transparency in the Service of Fair and Competitive Markets for Poultry Growers

USDA is focused on building new, more, fairer, and more resilient markets for our farmers, ranchers, and producers. To help get there, USDA published the first of several priority initiatives supporting enforcement of the Packers and Stockyards Act, which protects poultry growers and livestock producers from unfair, deceptive, and anti-competitive practices.