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green beans

Grants, Gardens and Green Beans: Charlottesville's Growing Farm to School Program

In celebration of Virginia Farm to School Week, I recently visited Charlottesville Public Schools to learn about the district’s garden and Harvest of the Month efforts. Here’s a snapshot of what I observed that day.

We push a cart piled high with plates of green beans down the hallway stopping at each classroom. Noses press against the glass in the doors and teachers urge students to sit down, as the door cracks open to excited chatter. The green beans are passed off and we are on to the next classroom, getting to every class in just under 30 minutes. It’s only 9:30 in the morning on October 6 at Burnley-Moran Elementary School and the Harvest of the Month taste test is off to a great start!

Enjoy the Holidays: Preparing Healthy and Safe Meals!

Special holiday series – Blog 4 of 5

Looking for a tasty vegetable for your holiday menu? USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety and I are happy to help! We are providing low-cost holiday recipes with simple food safety tips to help you prepare healthy and safe holiday meals. So far we’ve posted turkey, stuffing and sweet potato recipes. Today we’re featuring a delicious Green Bean Sauté recipe kids will surely love.  Make sure to look for our blog tomorrow which will feature our final recipe—Crunchy Pumpkin Pie. Bon Appetite!!