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So That’s Why You Make Us Eat Fruits and Veggies!

By Lisa Wallenda Picard, Food Safety and Inspection Service Chief of Staff

“Stop!  She has to eat some fruit!  Don’t give her MORE chips!  MOM – Cassie’s going to kill her daughter with all this junk food!” Ceci Picard, aged 11, while playing one of the Apps for Healthy Kids entries.

I admit the quote above isn’t the usual nightly exchange I hear between my two tween daughters.  This week they have been happily trying all the new games in the Apps for Healthy Kids gallery.   Since their mom works at the Department of Agriculture, they have been exposed to the idea of healthful, safe food frequently in their young lives.  But as all parents finally admit, kids often choose to do the opposite of what we tell them to do.  These apps have been great at reinforcing the points I’ve been making for several years now, but in a much cooler way!