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USDA Staff Participates in South Dakota Native Entrepreneurs Fair

Thirty-five participants, consisting of native entrepreneurs and organizations that provide services to entrepreneurs attended the first ever Entrepreneur Fair (E-Fair) held in Pickstown, South Dakota earlier this month.

The E-Fair was co-hosted by the South Dakota Indian Business Alliance (SDIBA) and Yankton Sioux Economic Development Department (YSEDD); providing time and resources into making the day a reality.  The purpose of the fair was to encourage, support, educate, and provide networking opportunities for the native entrepreneurs of the Yankton Sioux Tribe.

Secretary Vilsack on Steve Jobs, Innovators and Entrepreneurs: At our Best When Fearless

“I think Steve Jobs and all the innovators and entrepreneurs of this country have been fearless and that’s when we operate at our best. I happen to be working in a field right now with the American farmer and rancher, who is fearless. They put a crop in the ground every day and we’re having a record year in agriculture. It’s part of a story that’s not told very often in the economy.  Trade surpluses,  job growth, record income levels. Because American agriculture takes a risk every day."