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Breakfast in America: Brought to You by Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin

March 13, 2024 at 12:10 PM
2022 Census of Agriculture infographic showing statistics for breakfast foods

Now that the 2022 Census of Agriculture data are available, we can take a closer look at updated agricultural statistics in U.S. regions, states and counties.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) divides the U.S. states by region, and we're going to first take a look at the Upper Midwest Region, which includes Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Each of these states has their own agricultural accomplishments, but together accounted for over 16% of the national total value of agricultural products sold in 2022. All three states rank in the top 10 for the total value of agricultural products sold, which includes sales of all products produced by farmers in each state.

Producers in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin together provide much of what we see on our breakfast plates. Let’s break our fast on ag census blogs and start this monthly series with breakfast foods and the state rankings for these important staples.

  • Pancake mix and bread: Minnesota is second in spring wheat production and third in buckwheat production.
  • Oatmeal and cereal: Minnesota is second, Wisconsin fourth and Iowa sixth in oat production.
  • Scrambled eggs: Iowa is first, Minnesota eighth and Wisconsin 17th in egg layers for the kitchen table.
  • Bacon: Iowa is first, Minnesota second and Wisconsin 18th in hog inventory.
  • Maple syrup: Wisconsin is fourth, Minnesota 11th and Iowa 14th in maple syrup production.
  • Sugar: Minnesota is first in sugarbeet production.
  • Milk: Wisconsin is second, Minnesota seventh and Iowa 10th in milk sales.
  • Honey: Minnesota is fourth, Wisconsin 16th and Iowa 19th in honey production.

So, thank farmers for all the commodities they produce – especially when you start your morning at the breakfast table or treat yourself with breakfast for dinner! For more 2022 ag census data about these three states, browse our state agricultural statistics.

Next in this series we will take a closer look at the states in our Northwest Region: Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and Oregon.


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