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A Commitment to Embrace Diversity

March 11, 2022 at 8:57 AM
Three women

It’s Women’s History Month and I am proud to work alongside so many great women leaders at USDA.

When I was asked last year to lead the Risk Management Agency it came as a surprise. Living far from the Washington Beltway in South Dakota, in a rural area, I could not imagine why this administration would want me to head an agency of such importance. I am not a well-known political leader or influencer.

However, this administration made a commitment to embrace diversity. They decided in the best interest of this Nation to seek out qualified women for important roles.

And choosing me did come down to some important qualifications, including 40 years of operating a farm, serving as a county executive for the Farm Service Agency, working in the private sector, and my belief that Federal crop insurance is invaluable to the success of any ag operation.

This administration’s decision to choose me is a testament not to me, but to this administration's commitment to ALL women. They recognize the value of women in agriculture and what women continue to do throughout time - their day-to-day work, supporting partners, and their desires to make things better for their families, which is why this month - Women's History Month - is so important to me.

Sometime this month, please find a moment to reflect on the contributions and sacrifices of women to society and in our personal lives.

Marcia Bunger, RMA Administrator

Marcia Bunger is the Administrator of USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA). Prior to her appointment, she served as a County Executive Director for USDA’s Farm Service Agency. Bunger is also the owner and operator of a 2000-acre farm and the first member of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and first woman to serve as RMA Administrator.


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