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People’s Garden School Pilot Program

Posted by David A. in Food and Nutrition Initiatives
Aug 27, 2010

Cross-Posted from the Know Your Farmer Know Your Food Blog

Anyone ever tell you that if you ate peas a vine would grow in your stomach? Or that broccoli is just a miniature tree?  Well the Food and Nutrition Service and the People’s Garden would like to help kids set the record straight.

We are announcing a $1 million pilot program to develop community gardens at schools across the country.  We want to teach students about healthy eating while providing their schools, families, and communities with some extra produce.  This program is also about teaching kids that food doesn’t come from a grocery store or a cafeteria – it comes from healthy soil, hard work, and an understanding of plants and animals.

If you think that your school and community may be interested in a community garden, and you’re not sure whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, click here for more information about the program.  Don’t forget – applications are due October 8th!