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Find Current Mail Stop Codes for USDA Headquarters

This table of contents is arranged alphabetically by agency. The first two digits of the agency stop code are noted in parenthesis after each agency name. Clicking on an agency name below will open a page listing the stop codes for all offices within that agency.

01 - Office of the Secretary (SEC)
Stop Room No. Office
0101 200-A Secretary of Agriculture
0102 219-A Congressional Relations
0103 240-W Assistant Secretary, Admin.
0105 205-E Under Secretary, Farm & Foreign Ag Services
0106 216-E Under Secretary, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Services
0107 205-W Under Secretary, Rural Economics & Community Development
0108 240-E Under Secretary, Rural Development
0109 228-W Under Secretary, Marketing & Regulatory Programs
0110 214-W Under Secretary, Research, Education & Economics
0111 216-A Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
0112 507-A White House Liaison
0114 3901-S Research, Education, and Extension Office
0115 212-A Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
0120 202-B Deputy Secretary
0121 227-E Under Secretary for Food Safety
0122 500-A Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
0160 501-A Office of Tribal Relations
02 - Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
Stop Room No. Office
0201 3071-S Administrator
0202 3521-S Legislative & Regulatory Review Staff
0203 2095-S Compliance and Analysis, Executive Services Staff
0204 1752-S Science & Technology Programs, Information Technology
0206 1095-S Civil Rights Program
0215 3968-S Deputy Assistant Administrator, Compliance and Analysis, Budget Estimates & Allotments Branch, Budget & Program Analysis Branch, Investment & Review Staff
0216 2614-S Country of Origin Labeling Division
0223 0603-S Science & Technology Programs, Statistic Branch
0224 2723-S Cotton Programs, Office of the Deputy Admin.
0225 2968-S Dairy Programs, Office of the Director
0227 2752-S Dairy Programs, Administrative Office
0228 2768-S Dairy Programs, MA Personnel Management Staff
0229 2968-S Dairy Programs, Economics Analysis Branch
0230 2746-S Dairy Programs, Standardization Branch & Grading Branch
0231 2971-S Dairy Programs, Order Formulation Branch
0232 2768-S Dairy Programs, Market Information Branch
0234 4512-S Fruit & Vegatable Programs Information Management Services
0235 2077-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Deputy Adm./Assoc. Deputy Admin.
0236 2069-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Administrative Officer
0237 1406-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Marketing Order Admin. Branch
0238 1529-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Market News Branch
0239 3522-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Commodity Procurement Branch
0240 1534-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Fresh Products Branch
0241 1522-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Economics Analysis Branch
0242 1510-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, PACA Branch
0243 2086-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Food Quality Assurance Staff
0244 1406-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Research and Promotion Branch
0245 1510-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, PACA Branch, License Section
0246 1510-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, PACA Branch, Records Unit
0247 0709-S Fruit & Vegetable Programs, Processed Products Branch
0248 2628-S Livestock and Seed Programs, Meat Grading & Certification Branch
0249 2092-S Livestock & Seed Programs, Deputy Admin., Assoc. Deputy Admin.
0250 3960-S Livestock & Seed Programs, Administrative Officer
0251 2610-S Livestock & Seed Div. Marketing Programs, Branch Chief
0252 2619-S Livestock & Seed Programs, Livestock & Grain Market News Branch
0253 3522-S

Livestock & Seed Programs, Commodity Procurement Branch

0254 2626-S Livestock & Seed Programs, Livestock & Meat Standardization Branch
0255 1661-S Fruit & Vegetable, Fresh Products Branch, Adm. Office
0256 3932-S Poultry Programs, Director/Deputy Director
0257 3959-S Poultry Programs, Administrative Group
0258 3932-S Poultry Programs, Grading Branch
0259 3944-S Poultry Programs, Standardization Branch
0260 3522-S Poultry Programs, Commodity Procurement Branch
0261 2634-S Livestock Poultry and Seed
0262 2607-S Poultry Programs, Market News Branch
0264 4543-S Transportation & Marketing Programs, Deputy Admin.
0266 4543-S Transportation and Marketing Programs, Transportation Services Division
0267 4509-S Transportation and Marketing Programs, Marketing Services Division
0268 2646-S Transportation & Marketing Programs, National Organic Program
0269 4523-S Transportation and Marketing Programs, Marketing Services Division
0270 3543-S Science & Technology Programs, Deputy Admin.
0271 0727-S Science & Technology Programs, Administrative Staff
0272 3533-S Science & Technology Programs, Technical Services
0273 3933-S Public Affairs Staff
0274 4512-S Science & Technology Plant Variety Protection
0275 2911-S Monitoring Programs Division
0280 2639-S Cotton Tobacco Programs
0292 0272-S Transportation and Marketing Programs, Program Support Group
0293 2099-S AMS Training Institute
0295 2634-S Program Support Section
0296 2095-S Office of Safety & Security
0297 2095-S C&A, Executive Services Branch
03 - Agricultural Marketing Service (ARS)
Stop Room No. Office
0301 302-A Office of the Administrator, Associate Administrator
0302 358-A Asst. Administrator, Ofc. Technology Transfer, Budget/Program Mgmt. Staff
0303 315-A Correspondence Management Unit
0304 3913-S Office of Outreach Diversity & Equal Opportunity
0305 324-A Legislative Affairs
0306 3-2245B
ARS-AFM, Administrative Information & Technology (AITD), Assistant Director
0307 3-2193
ARS-AFM, Financial Management Division (FMD), Suite 580C Special Assistant
0308 3-1145
ARS-AFM, Human Resources Division (HRD), Metropolitan Operations Branch (MOB)
0309 4-2272
ARS-AFM, Procurement & Property Branch (PPB), Suite 580C
0310 4-2272
ARS-AFM-PPB, Procurement - DC Group
0311 3-2118
ARS-AFM-PPB, Property - DC Group, Suite 580C
0313 3913-S

Deputy Administrator for Genetic Resources/Deputy Administrator for Human Nutrition

0314 3871-S Office of Pest Management Policy
0315 3-2176A
ARS-Travel & Relocation Services, Suite 580C
0316 1064A-S Civil Rights
0320 321-A ARS-AFM, Office of Deputy Administrator
0321 3901-S NAREEE Advisory Board
05 - Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Stop Room No. Office
0501 3086-S
  • Administrator, Associate Administrator
  • Associate Administrator
  • Assistant to the Administrator
  • Assistant to the Director, Office of Business & Program Integration
0503 3092-S
  • Minority Farm Register
  • Office of Minority and Socially Disadvantaged Farmers Assistance
0505 4080-S Office of External Affairs, Legislative Liaison
0506 4080-S Office of External Affairs, Public Affairs
0508 3741-S
  • Economic Policy & Analysis Staff (EPAS), Office of the Director
  • EPAS - Farm Loan and Analysis Group
0509 Patriots Plaza
Office of Civil Rights
0510 3612-S Deputy Administrator, Farm Programs (DAFP)
0511 3092-S Outreach Programs Staff
0512 4095-S DAFP - Price Support Division
0513 4709-S DAFP - Conservation and Environmental Programs Division
0515 3741-S EPAS - Fiber Analysis Group
0516 3741-S EPAS - Dairy & Sweeteners Analysis Group
0517 4748-S DAFP - Production, Emergencies and Compliance Division
0518 3741-S EPAS - Food Grains Analysis Group
0519 3741-S EPAS - Natural Resources Analysis Group
0520 3605-S Deputy Administrator, Farm Loan Programs (DAFLP)
0521 3627-S DAFLP - Program Development and Economic Enhancement Division
0522 3627-S DAFLP - Loan Making Division
0523 3627-S DAFLP - Loan Servicing and Property Management Division
0525 0436-S General Dynamics Office
0526 4759 DAFP - Review Staff
0530 0436-S Consent Decree Taskforce
0531 3733-S EPAS - Foreign Investment Group
0532 3741-S EPAS - Feed Grains & Oilseeds Analysis Group
0533 3712-S Nat’l Service Center Director
0534 0447-S DAM, Information Technology Services Division, EMSO
0539 3092-S
  • Deputy Administrator, Field Operations (DAFO)
  • Assistant to the Deputy Administrator
0540 2720-S Audits, Investigations, and State and County Review Branch
0542 3712-S
  • Deputy Program Coordinator, Field Operations Staff
  • Field Operations Staff
0543 0092-S DAM Emergency Preparedness Division
0544 6767-S Modernization Innovation Delivery Agriculture Service
0550 3080-S Deputy Administrator, Commodity Operations (DACO)
0551 5751-S DACO - Procurement and Donations Division
0553 5751-S DACO - Warehouse and Inventory Division
0560 3095-S Deputy Administrator, Management (DAM)
0561 Patriots Plaza
DAM - Management Services Division (MSD), Office of the Director
0562 Patriots Plaza
DAM - MSD - Property and Operations Branch
0563 0078-S


  • Office of the Deputy Director
  • Chief, Publishing Branch
0565 5736-S


  • Chief, Forms, Graphics, and Records Branch
  • Forms and Graphics Section
  • Directives Section
0566 5736-S DAM - MSD - Records and Reports Section
0567 Patriots Plaza
DAM - MSD - Acquisition Management Branch (AMB)
0568 Patriots Plaza
DAM - MSD - AMB - Recurring Requirements Section
0569 0078-S DAM - MSD - Publishing Branch, Distribution Unit
0570 6722-S Appeals and Litigation Staff
0571 Patriots Plaza
Strategic Performance and Evaluation Staff
0572 3741-S EPAS - Regulatory Review Staff
0574 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Training and Development Branch
0575 Patriots Plaza
OBF - Budget Division
0576 0073-S AFSCME Local 3925
0580 6757-S DAM - Information Technology Services Division (ITSD), Office of the Director
0581 Patriots Plaza
OBF - Financial Management Division
0584 6757-S DAM - ITSD - Policy and Planning Branch
0585 5956-S


  • Customer Services and Operations Branch
  • LAN Management Section
0586 6642-S DAM - ITSD - Systems Development Branch
0590 Patriots Plaza
DAM - Human Resources Division (HRD), Office of the Director
0591 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Employee and Labor Relations Branch
0592 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - County Operations Staff
0593 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Foreign Operations Branch
0594 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Human Resources Division, Domestic Operations Branch (Services Group)
0595 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Performance Management, Benefits, and Awards Branch
0596 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Domestic Operations Branch
0598 Patriots Plaza
DAM - HRD - Special Projects, Planning & Coordination Staff
0599 Patriots Plaza
Commodity Credit Corporation
06 - Office of Advocacy and Outreach (OAO)
Stop Room No. Office
0601 520-A Directors Office
0602 3912-S Hispanic-Serving Institutions National Program
0603 3018-S 1994 Tribal Land-Grant Colleges and Universities Program
07 - Rural Housing Service (RHS)
Stop Room No. Office
0701 5014-S Administrator - Rural Housing Service
0702 6900-S Correspondence Unit
0703 1347-S Civil Rights Staff
0705 4801-S Legislative & Public Affairs Staff
0706 701-RPTRS Freedom of Information Act
0707 803-RPTRS Financial Management Division
0720 4045-S Deputy Administrator Operations & Management
0722 703-RPTRS Budget Division
0730 1323-S Assistant Administrator for Human Resources
0732 2115-S Human Resources Training Division
0733 0347-S Labor Relations Staff
0740 803-RPTRS Assistant Admin. for Proc. & Admin. Services
0741 801-RPTRS Procurement Management Division
0742 701-RPTPS Support Services Division
0743 0158-S          AFSCME Local 3870
0747 S316-B Central File Unit


Chief Information Officer
0751 801-RTPS Management Control Staff
0753 801-RPTRS Customer Outreach and Advocacy Branch
0761 6900-S Program Support Staff
0780 5013-S Deputy Administrator, Single Family Housing/Multi-Family Housing
0781 1263-S Multi-Family Housing Processing Division
0782 1265-S Multi-Family Housing Portfolio Management Division
0783 2214-S Single Family Housing Processing Division
0784 2250-S Single Family Housing Ser. & Prop. Mgmt. Div.
0785 2110B Customer Outreach and Advocacy Branch
0786 0164-S Policy & Analysis Division
0787 0174-S Community Programs Division
0788 5019-S Deputy Administrator, Community Programs
0790 4017-S Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
0791 0375-A Rural Economic & Community Development Operations and Management
0792 4019-S Emergency Preparedness Manager
08 - Risk Management Agency (RMA)
Stop Room No. Office
0801 6092-S Risk Management Agency, Administrator
10 - Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
Stop Room No. Office
1001 5071-S Main Office
1004 5076-S Public Affairs and Executive Correspondence - #1
1005 5611 Public Affairs and Executive Correspondence - #2
1006 5063-S Legislative Affairs
1008 4069-S Civil Rights Staff
1010 4133-S OASA Office of the Deputy Administrator
1011 5957-S Plant Division
1012 5647-S Animal Division
1013 5647-S New Technologies and Production Methods Division
1014 5932-S International Regulations and Standards Division
1015 5957-S Processed Products and Technical Regulations
1020 6076-S OTP - Office of the Deputy Administrator
1021 5526-S Import Programs and Export Reporting Division
1022 6515-S OTP Trade Services Staff
1025 5509-S OTP - Credit Programs Division
1030 3008-S Office of the Deputy Administrator
1031 3229-S Trade and Scientific Exchanges Division
1032 3245-S Trade and Scientific Capacity Building Division
1033 3208-S Development Resources and Disaster Assistance Division
1034 4159-S OCBD - Food Assistance Division
1040 5916-S Office of the Deputy Administrator
1041 5916-S Multilateral Affairs Division
1042 6512-S OTP - Program Operations Division
1043 5916-S Bilateral Agreements & Enforcement Division
1044 5916-S Regional and Bilateral Negotiations and Agreements Division
1045 5710-S Office of Civilian Deployment Operations
1050 4083-S Office of the Deputy Administrator
1051 4083-S International Production Assessments Division
1052 6528-S OTP - Cooperator Programs Division
1053 4608-S Trade and Biofuels Analysis
1054 4629-S Industry Sector Analysis Division
1060 4121-S Office of the Deputy Administrator
1061 4121-S OAO - Compliance, Security and Emergency Planning Division
1062 4112-S Budget Division
1063 1069-S Program Management Division - International Travel
1064 4932-S Information Services Division
1065 4142-S Program Management Division - Except International Travel
1066 3112-S Contracts and Agreements Division
1070 5089A-S OCRA - Office of the Deputy Administrator
1071 5089A-S

OCRA - Western Hemisphere Division

1072 5089A-S OCRA - Africa and Middle East Division
1073 5089A-S OCRA - Asia Division
1080 5095-S Office of the Deputy Administrator and International Operations
1081 5088-S Protocol and Representation
1082 5721-S International Services Division
1083 5095-S Training Positions
1084 5707-S Overseas Positions
1091 0420-S AFSCME/3976
11 - Forest Service (FS)
Stop Room No. Office
1101 RPC-5 Engineering - ENG
1103 RPC-4 Forest Management - FM
1104 RPC-6 Ecosystems Management Coordination - EMC
1106 RPC-6 National Forest System Deputy Area - NFS
1107 RPE-9 Fire and Aviation Management - FAM
1108 RPC-7 Business Operations - BUS OPS
1109 RPE-9 State and Private Forestry Deputy Area - S&PF
1110 RPE-7 Forest Health Protection - FHP
1111 RPE-8 Office of Communications - OC
1112 RPE-6 Correspondence & Records Management - C&RM
1113 RPE-6 Local 1919 Union
1114 RPC-4 Resource Use Sciences - RUS
1115 RPC-4 Forest Management Sciences - FMS
1119 RPC-4 Quantitative Sciences - QS
1120 RPC-7 Research & Development Deputy Area - R&D
1121 RPC-5 Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air and Rare Plants - WFW
1122 RPE-7 Acquisition Management - AQM
1123 RPE-9 Cooperative Forestry - CF
1124 RPC-7 Lands - L
1125 RPC-4 Recreation, Heritage & Volunteer Resources - RHVR
1126 RPC-5 Minerals and Geology Management - MGM
1127 5500W-RPTS International Programs - IP
1130 RPE-7 Legislative Affairs - LA
1131 RPC-4 Policy Analysis - PA
1132 RPC-7 Program and Budget Analysis - P&BA
1134 RPE-8 Chief Information Office - CIO
1135 RPE-8 Chief Information Office - CIO
1137 RPC-6 Human Capital Management - HCM
1138 RPE-7 Acquisition Management - AQM
1140 RPE-10 Law Enforcement and Investigation - LEI.
1142 RPE-7 Civil Rights - CR
1143 RPE-6 Freedom of Information Act - FOIA
1144 RPE-6 Chief - C
1147 RPE-9 Conservation Education - CE
1148 RPC-7 Chief Financial Officer - CFO
1149 RPC-7 Financial Management - FIN
1150 RPE-6 Office of Regulatory and Management Services - ORMS
1151 RPE-9 Urban and Community Forestry Staff - U&CF
1152 RPE-6 Office of Safety & Occupational Health - OSOH
1158 RPC-5 National Partnership Office - NPO
1159 RPC-9 National Fire Plan - NFP
1160 RPE-9 Office of Tribal Relations - OTR
1162 RPC-4 Science Quality Services - SQS
1164 4-35 General Services Administration - GSA
1166 1-S Sustainable Operations
1167 3-SE Environmental Sciences
1168 4-S Climate Change
12 - National Agricultural Library (NAL)
Stop Room No. Office
1201 1052-S DC Reference Center
13 - Office of Communications (OC)
Stop Room No. Office
1301 402-A Director, OC
1330 402-A Web Communications
1350 402-A Exhibits/Events and Coordination & Editorial Review
1360 1614-S Creative Media and Broadcast Center
1370 446-A Printing, OC
1380 0091-S Creative Media and Broadcast Center
1390 426-A Photography Services
14 - Office of the General Counsel (OGC)
Stop Room No. Office
1401 107-W General Counsel
1403 2018-S Associate General Counsel, Natural Resources and Environment Division
1404 2035-S Administrative Office
1405 2319-S Associate General Counsel, Marketing, Regulatory, and Food Division
1406 2025A-S General Law and Research Division
1410 4307-S General Law and Research Division
1411 0325-S Law Library
1412 3351-S Natural Resources and Environment Division
1413 2309-S Marketing, Regulatory, anf Food Safety Programs Division
1415 3311-S Associate General Counsel, General Law and Research Division
1417 2343-S Marketing, Regulatory, anf Food Safety Programs Division
1419 3312-S Civil Rights, Labor and Employment Law Division
1420 4329-S International Affairs, Food Assistance and Farm and Rural Programs Division
1421 2006-S Associate General Counsel, Civil Rights, Labor and Employment Law Division
1423 2017-S Associate General Counsel, International Affairs, Food Assistance and Farm and Rural Programs Division
1424 2016-S Marketing, Regulatory, anf Food Safety Programs Division
15 - Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
Stop Room No. Office
1510 5135-S Administrator - RUS
1516 5150-S Financial Services Staff
1522 5168-S Program Development & Regulatory Analysis
1523 2221-S Program Accounting Services Division
1524 0214-S Policy Analysis Loans Management Staff
1530 5159-S Asst. Administrator-Program Accounting & Regulatory Analysis
1534 801-RPTRS Rural Utilities/National Development Branch
1535 2113-S Electric & Telephone Financial Operations Division
1538 5144-S Rural Utilities/LAPAS
1541 2832-S Office of the Program Advisor
1548 5145-S Water and Environmental Programs
1550 2844-S Advanced Services Division
1560 5165-S Assistant Administrator - Electric
1566 0241-S Northern Regional Division
1567 0221-S Southern Regional Division
1568 0270-S Power Supply Division
1569 1246-S Electric Staff Division
1570 2233-S Water & Programs Division
1573 2103-S Document Research & Custodial Services
1590 5151-S Assistant Administrator - Telecommunications Programs
1595 2839-S Northwest Area Telephone
1597 2808-S Southwest Area Telephone
1599 2868-S Broadband Division
16 - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Stop Room No. Office
18 - Economic Research Service (ERS)
Stop Room No. Office
20 - National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS)
Stop Room No. Office
2001 5041A-S Administrator and Associate Administrator
2002 5051A-S Deputy Administrator for Field Operations (DAFO)
2003 5053-S DAFO-W, Budget and Administrative Sservices Office
2004 5058-S DAFO-W, Human Resources
2005 6034-S DAFO-E, Training and Career Development Office
2010 5029-S Deputy Administrator for Programs and Products (DAPP)
2013 6035-S DAPP, International Programs
2014 5029-S DAPP, Marketing and Information Services Office (MISO)
2015 5029-S DAPP, MISO, Administrative Support
2016 5030-S DAPP, MISO, Customer Service
2017 6061-S SD,SMB, Data Lab
2020 6306-S Census and Survey Division (CSD)
2021 5348A-S CSD, Census Planning Branch
2022 6312A-S CSD, Data Collection Branch
2023 6344A-S CSD, Sampling Branch
2024 5336A-S CSD, Survey Administrative Branch
2027 6046-S Small Farms Advisory Committee
2030 5847-S Information and Technology Division (ITD)
2031 4833-S ITD, Census and Survey Systems Branch
2032 5847-S ITD, Estimation and Support Systems Branch
2033 4833-S ITD, Technical Services Branch
2040 5030-S Research and Development Division
2050 5433-S Statistics Division (SD)
2051 5435-S SD, Crops Branch
2052 6436B-S SD, Environmental, Economics and Demographics Branch
2053 6435-S SD, Livestock Branch
2054 6436A-S SD, Statistical Methods Branch
2055 0354-S Shipping and Receiving
21 - Office of Ethics (OE)
Stop Room No. Office
2112 2344-S Forestry Ethics Branch
2120 6840-S Farm, Conservation and Rural Programs Ethics Division
2140 5913-S Marketing, Regulatory and Nutrition Ethics Division
22 - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Stop Room No. Office
2201 305-A Office of the Administrator
2203 2429-Water Center for International Programs
2207 1152-Water Communication Staff
2210 3260-Water Institute of Bioenergy, Climate and Environment
2213 1310-Water Planning, Accountability and Reporting Staff
2216 4124-Water Office of Information Technology
2225 2459-Water Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition
2240 3358-Water Institute of Food Production and Sustainability
2250 4330-Water Institute of Youth, Family and Community
2271 2183-Water Awards Management Branch
2272 2251-Water Policy and Oversight Branch
2296 1230-WATER Equal Opportunity Staff
2297 3903-S Budget Office
2298 2243-Water Financial Operations Branch
2299 2255-Water Office of Grants and Financial Management
23 - Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
Stop Room No. Office
2301 117-W Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General
2302 40-W OCI/Office of Compliance and Integrity
2303 49-E Administrative Services Division
2304 40-E Procurement Management Branch
2305 49-E Office of Communications
2306 18-E Human Resources Management Division
2307 40-E Financial Management Division
2308 441-E Counsel Main Office
2309 444-E FOIA Staff
2310 5-E Assistant Inspector General-Office of Management
2311 403-E Assistant Inspector General, Audit
2312 27-E Office of Diversity and Conflict Resolution
2317 146-W Assistant Inspector General, Investigations
2318 146-W HQ Investigations
2320 9-E Information Technology Division
2322 0431-E Asset Forfeiture Unit
30 - Food and Consumer Service (FCS)
Stop Room No. Office
32 - Rural Business - Cooperative Services (RBCS)
Stop Room No. Office
3201 5801-S Administrator - Rural Business - Coop Services
3220 5811-S Deputy Administrator Business Programs
3221 6901-S Oversight/ Resource Coordination Staff
3224 6853-S Business and Industry Division
3225 4204-S Specialty Lenders Division
3250 4016-S Deputy Administrator for Cooperative Services
3252 4204-S Cooperative Marketing Division
3253 4208-S Cooperative Management Division
3254 4218-S Cooperative Development Division
3256 4211-S Statistics
3257 S-316A-South LAPAS Warehouse
33 - Office of the Executive Secretariat (OES)
Stop Room No. Office
3301 116-A Executive Secretariat
34 - Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Stop Room No. Office
3401 312-E Office of the Administrator/Associate Administrator
3402 1624-S Deputy Adm. & Assoc. Deputy Adm., Wildlife Services
3407 1147-S Legislative & Public Affairs, Office of the Director
3408 1720-S Human Resources Division, Departmental Management Service Center
3424 1139-S Director, Policy and Program Development
3431 302-E Deputy Administrator, Plant Protection & Quarantine
3432 324-E Deputy Administrator, International Services
3433 0750-S International Services
3436 2534 Office Director, Office of Civil Rights and Inclusion
3437 308-E Deputy Administrator, MRP-BS
3439 3759-S Financial Management Division, AMS and GIPSA Financial Systems and Reporting Branch
3440 1723-S Director, Human Resource Operations
3441 1714-S Human Resources Division, Headquarters Customer Service
3442 1723-S Human Resources Division, Classification Branch, Human Resources Div., Employee & Management Relations Branch
3443 1726-S Human Resources Division, Employment Branch
3445 0759-S MRP-BS, RWBS, PDMSC
3446 1720-S Human Resources, Program Development, Ethics Staff
3447 1723-S Human Resources, Training & Recruitment Center
3448 0757-S MRP-BS/Employee Services Division
3451 1710-S MRP-BS, Property Branch
3452 0755-S MRPBS, PDMB
3480 1132-S Trade Support Staff
3481 0756-S HR Labor Relations
3491 317-E Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services
3499 1141 Public Reading Room
36 - Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration (GIPSA)
Stop Room No. Office
3601 2055-S Office of the Administrator
3602 2514-S Civil Rights Staff
3604 2409-S Quality Assurance and Compliance Division
3611 2535-S Management and Budget Services, Management Services, Management and Budget Services-Safety and Health Manager, Management and Budget Services-Training Office
3613 2446-S Information Technology Staff
3614 2043-S Deputy Administrator, FGIS
3620 2409-S Departmental Initiatives and International Affairs
3630 2409-S Field Management Division, Office of the Director
3646 2507-S Business and Economic Analysis Division
3647 2507-S Policy and Litigation Division
37 - Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS)
Stop Room No. Office
3701 1165-S Office of the Administrator
3702 341-E Office of Public Health & Science
3703 344-E Office of Field Operations
3704 347-E Office of Management
3705 350-E Office of Policy Program Development
3707 Patriots Plaza
Enforcement & Litigation Division,
3708 0137-S Service Delivery Branch
3710 2175-S Internal Control Staff
3711 3175-S Strategic Planning & Operations Management Staff
3712 331-E Office of the Administrator
3713 1140-S FOIA
3714 1175-S Congressional & Public Affairs Office
3717 2134-S Human Resource Division, Performance Management Branch
3718 2158-S Employee Safety, Health and Wellness Staff
3719 2140-S Employee Safety, Health & Wellness Staff
3721 1150-S Web and Digital Communications Staff
3723 3137-S Office of Public Affairs & Consumer Education
3724 2137-S Import / Export Coordination & Policy Staff
3726 Patriots Plaza
State Outreach & Technical Assistance Staff
3727 2925-S International Relations & Strategic Planning Staff
3728 Patriots Plaza
3730 3150-S Office of Human Resources
3732 3130-S Office of Food Intergration and Food Protection
3733 2159-S Budget Division
3735 3144-S Human Resources Management Division, Employment Classification & Compensation Branch
3736 2144-S Capital Planning & Cost Analysis Branch
3747 Patriots Plaza
Office of Field Operations RMPS
3753 Patriots Plaza
Compliance & Investigation OPEER/EED
3754 4868-S Office of Outreach, Employee Education and Training
3755 4861-S CODEX Alimentarus Liaison
3758 6065-S Issuances Staff, OPPD
3760 9-253A Hearing and Appeals
3766 Patriots Plaza
Management Support Staff OPHS
3776 2930-S Office of Outreach, Employee Education and Training
3777 Patriots Plaza
Microbiology Division OPHS MD
3778 Patriots Plaza
Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships and Outreach Staff
3780 3157-S Regulatory Operations and Recall Management and Technical Analysis Staff
3782 Patriots Plaza
OPPD Risk Innovations and Management Division
3783 Patriots Plaza
OPPD Risk Innovations and Management Division Program Support
3784 Patriots Plaza
OPPD Labeling and Program Delivery Division
3786 Patriots Plaza
OPPD Labeling and Program Delivery Division Labeling Distribution Unit
3788 2168-S Office of Administrative Services
3789 Patriots Plaza
OPPD Policy Analysis Division
3790 3157-S Field Operations
3791 0143-S Office of Administrative Services
3793 Patriots Plaza
Scientific and Tech. Support Staff, ODIFP
3794 3143-S Office of International Affairs, Assistant Administrator
3796 3133-S Office of Program Evaluation Enforcement & Review
3799 3165-S Office of the Information Officer and Office of the Chief, Financial Officer
38 - Office of Chief Economist (OCE)
Stop Room No. Office
3810 112-A Immediate Office of Chief Economist
3811 4032-S Office of Risk Assessment & Cost-Benefit Analyst
3812 4419-S World AG Outlook Board
3813 4441-S World AG Outlook Board
3814 4407-S Climate Change Program Office / Office of Environmental Markets
3815 4059-S Office of Energy Policy & New Uses
42 - Office of Budget & Program Analysis (OBPA)
Stop Room No. Office
4201 101-A Office of the Director
4210 102-E Deputy Director for Budget, Legislative and Regulatory Systems
4212 148-E Chief, Legislative, Regulatory and Automated Systems Division and the Admin. and Special Projects Staff
4220 126-W Deputy Director, Program Analysis, Marketing & Inspection Programs Staff, International Affairs & Commodity Program Staff, Rural Development Programs Staff, and Economic Departmental Administration & Special Studies Staff
4222 126-W Natural Resources, Research & Education Programs Staff, and Food Assistance Programs Staff
50 - Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination (OSS)
Stop Room No. Office
5010 1456-S Office of the Director
70 - National Appeals Division (NAD)
Stop Room No. Office
76 - Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Stop Room No. Office
7601 420-W Chief Information Officers' Office
7602 405-W Governance and Strategic Investment
7603 10-149 PP-3 Governance and Strategic Investment & Policy and Directives
7605 4105-S ITS Staff
7606 440-W Customer and Program Management
7607 0036-S Agriculture Security Operations Center
7609 427-W Policy and Directives
7611 555-RPTS Agriculture Security Operations Center
7612 448-W ACIO/ Agriculture Security Operations Center
7613 PP-3 Governance and Strategic Investment
7614 6750-S ITS, Telecommunications Operations Branch
7617 0113-S Agriculture Security Operations Center
80 - Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Stop Room No. Office
8001 12-B Resilience and Preparedness Division RPD
8002 344-A Executive Protection Division EPD
90 - Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)
Stop Room No. Office
9000 143-W Office of the Chief Financial Officer
9004 3048-S Financial Systems
9011 3049-S Transparency & Accountability Reporting Division
9050 3440-S Financial Policy and Planning
9060 3061-S Financial Operations
9070 1623-S NFC Shared Access Office
9071 4620-S NFC Customer Support Services
9087 1623-S NFC - DC Operations
91 - Hazardous Waste Management (HWM)
Stop Room No. Office
9100 533 Reporters Bldg Director
92 - Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ)
Stop Room No. Office
9202 1049-S Office of Administrative Law Judges
9203 1031-S Hearing Clerk's Office
9204 1633-S Judicial Officer
9205 1047-S Office of Administrative Law Judges
93 - Office of Procurement and Property Management (PPM)
Stop Room No. Office
9301 302-RPTS Office of the Director
9302 660-RPTS Procurement Systems Division
9303 311-A-RPTS Environmental Management Division
9304 310-B-RPTS Property Management Division
9306 262-RPTS Procurement Policy Division
9307 377-RPTS Procurement Operations Division
9308 335-W Office of the Director
94 - Office of Adjudication and Compliance (CR)
Stop Room No. Office
9401 620-RPTS Compliance Division
9406 7-141A PP3 Employment Adjudication Division / Program Adjudication Division
9407 4029-S Early Resolution and Conciliation Division
9410 7-265A PP3 Office of Adjudication / Employment Investigations Division
9430 7-265A PP3 Program Intake Division / Program Investigations Division
9440 7-142 PP3 Employment Complaints Division
9473 4th floor-RPTS Office of Compliance Policy,Training and Cultural Transformation
9475 302-W Budget, Planning & Accountability Division
95 - Office of Small & Disadvantage Business Utilization (OSDBU)
Stop Room No. Office
9501 1085-S Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization
96 - Office of Human Resources Management (OHCM)
Stop Room No. Office
9611 302-W Director and Deputy Director, Director for Human Capital Planning, Administrative Office
9612 2-W Departmental Human Resources Division, Recruitment and Employee Development Division, Retirement, TSP, and Health & Life Insurance Benefits, Internal Placement, Recruitment Programs, Special Emphasis Programs, Student Programs Applications, Leadership Development
9613 302-W Human Resources Enterprise Staff
9614 302-W Special Projects Staff, Appeals and Grievances
9616 3021-S Quality of Worklife Division, Employee Assistance Programs, Workers Compensation Policy, Director, Safety & Health Management Division, Employee Assistance Programs, and Occupational Safety & Health
9618 302-W Human Capital Strategy Division, Work Force Planning, Student Programs
9619 302-W Human Resources Policy Division
9620 4634-W Employee Assistance Counselors
9621 316-W Operations Management Staff
9622 4007-S Performance Management/Awards
98 - Office of Operations (OO)
Stop Room No. Office
9810 1456-S Director, Deputy Director, Associate Deputy
9811 1448-S Directors Office Energy and Environmental Safety Emergency Programs
9813 1409-S Health Unit
9814 344-W The Peoples Garden
9820 100-A Office of Operations Visitor Center
9821 1434-S Protective Operations Division
9824 10-A Executive Services
9860 0400R Mail and Reproduction Management Division, Chief
9862 0400-SS Mail & Reproduction Management Division, Mail Services Branch
9864 0556-S Mail and Reproduction Management Division, Copier and Duplicating Branch
9865 0529-S Mail and Reproduction Management Division, Departmental Mailing List Section
9867 1357-S Space Management Branch
9871 0466-S Central Shipping and Receiving
9876 1006-S Headquarters Target Center
9886 1356-S Design and Construction/Engineering Branch
9890 103-A USDA Visitors Center
9894 1449-S Program Policy and Analysis Staff
9895 0030-S Interpreting Services
9896 200-A Know Your Farmer Know Your Food

To view mail codes within the GWCC building, please visit the following document: Mail Codes within the GWCC building (XLSX, 14.9 KB)

For further information, please contact Darius Clinton at 202-720-4939.