Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP)
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What We Do
The Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP), an organization under Departmental Administration (DA) within USDA, oversees over $11 billion in annual obligations. OCP provides leadership, policy, guidance, and services in the areas of contracting, procurement, category management, procurement systems, and strategic sourcing through three divisions. In addition, OCP serves as the procuring office for the Office of the Secretary, DA staff offices, and USDA agencies, as requested.
Division Breakdown
- Procurement Operations Division
The Procurement Operations Division's (PODs) mission is to be a trusted business partner that provides premier acquisition leadership, support and guidance to the Secretary, Headquarters Staff Offices, and all other USDA Agencies and staff offices on Department-wide acquisitions; to facilitate effective contracting approaches that maximizes efficiency and cost effectiveness and ensures integrity and fairness in the solicitation, selection, negotiation and award of contracts consistent with public policy to meet emerging and ongoing customer needs and mission critical Department-wide procurements.
To contact Procurement Operations Division, please email us at
- Procurement Policy Division
The Procurement Policy Division (PPD) is responsible for USDA-wide procurement policy and regulations, including the Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR) and the USDA Contracting Desk Book. Also, PPD leads Acquisition Workforce management and contracting-related reporting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI), and others.
To contact Procurement Operations Division, please email us at
- Procurement Systems Division
The Procurement Systems Division (PSD) provides reliable and integrated Information Technology solutions, products, and services in support of USDA’s acquisition community and provides consolidated oversight, guidance, and program assistance to the USDA Government Purchase Card (GPC) community.
USDA procurement systems are accessible to USDA employees only. Information on systems requirements for businesses who want to contract with the federal government is available on the “Contracting with USDA” page.