Raising livestock and producing animal products is half of U.S. agriculture. U.S. animal agriculture provides high quality, safe, nutritious food and products across the globe, adding value to crop and forage lands, supporting local economies, and efficiently utilizing global resources while continually maintaining a focus on the highest standards for animal care and wellbeing.
Animal Agriculture Resources by Sector and Species
- General Agricultural Resources
- Census of Agriculture (every 5 years, NASS)
- Census of Aquaculture (every 5 years, NASS)
- Agricultural Charts and Maps (includes Livestock and Animals, NASS)
- Agricultural Statistics, annual (NASS)
- Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (NAL)
- Farm Bill Implementation
- Farmer Assistance (FSA)
- Farms and Agricultural Production Systems Resources (NAL)
- Global Agricultural Information Network (FAS)
- Global Agricultural Trade System (FAS)
- Insurance Plans for Livestock and Forage (RMA)
- Cattle - Livestock Gross Margin Insurance
- Cattle - Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle
- Cattle - Livestock Risk Protection – Feeder Cattle
- Cattle – Weaned Calf Risk Protection
- Dairy Cattle - Livestock Gross Margin Insurance
- Dairy Revenue Protection
- Shellfish Crop Insurance
- Swine - Livestock Gross Margin
- Swine - Livestock Risk Protection
- Apiculture – Rainfall Index
- Forage – Pasture, Rangeland, Forage
- Forage – Annual Forage
- Forage – Forage Production
- Livestock – Whole Farm Revenue Protection
- Livestock – Micro Farm
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, monthly (ERS)
- FIND Local Agriculture Data and USDA Resources (Local Dashboard)
- SEARCH the USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (ESMIS, NASS)
- World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE, OCE)
- USDA Partnerships with Tribal Nations
- NRCS Programs for Tribes and Tribal Members
- Alternative Livestock Resources
Alternative livestock production includes non-traditional species or breeds and can include specialized production practices and targeted product marketing. Alternative livestock production often provides genetic diversity in livestock and poultry species through the conservation and promotion of rare breeds.
- Alternative Crops and Enterprises for Small Farm Diversification (includes List of Livestock/Animals, NAL)
- Bison Market Report, monthly (AMS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS; APHIS) – Bison Studies
- Farmed Deer and Elk
- Animal Health – Cervids (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS; APHIS) – Cervid Studies
- Voluntary Cervid Herd Certification Program for CWD (APHIS)
- Mink (NASS)
- Organic Animal Agriculture (USDA,
- Snail Farming (NAL)
- Animal Production Research
Food animal production research addresses all animal systems across the lifecycle of the animal and includes the animal’s environment, feed resources, care and management, and animal welfare. Genetics and genomics, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeding, meat and muscle biology, microbiology, immunology, management, and behavior and welfare are primary focus areas.
Livestock and Poultry
- Animal Production and Protection Research - ARS National Programs
- Food Animal Production Research - ARS National Program 101
- Programs Funding Animal Production Research (NIFA)
Aquatic Animals
- Aquaculture Programs at NIFA
- Aquaculture Research - ARS National Program 106
- Programs Funding Aquaculture Research (NIFA)
- Small Business Innovative Research Grants for Aquaculture (NIFA)
- Subcommittee on Aquaculture’s National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture Research and Progress Report (ARS)
- Aquaculture Resources
Aquaculture is the production of aquatic organisms including fish, shellfish and seaweeds under controlled conditions throughout part or all their lifespan.
- Census of Aquaculture (every 5 years, NASS)
- Aquaculture Resources
- Aquaculture is Agriculture
- Aquaculture and Aquaponics Resources (NAL)
- Aquaculture Regulations and Resources by State, map (includes requirements for aquatic animal movement, APHIS)
- Aquaculture Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Aquaculture Conservation Practices (webinar and supporting material, NRCS)
- Fisheries (FS)
- Seaweed and Seagrass Farming, Interagency Working Group (ARS)
- Shellfish Crop Insurance (RMA)
- Subcommittee on Aquaculture (ARS)
- Catfish Production Reports, biannual (NASS)
- Catfish Production Surveys (NASS)
- Catfish from Farm to Table (FSIS)
- Trout Production Reports, annual (NASS)
- Trout Production Surveys (NASS)
- Animal Health – Aquaculture (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System – Aquaculture Studies (APHIS)
- Cattle Resources - Beef
The United States is a world leader in producing high quality beef for domestic production and export. The United States is also one of the world's largest importers, importing lower-valued beef for processing.
- Cattle and Beef Cow Inventory (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Cattle and Beef Daily Reports and Market News (AMS)
- Cattle and Beef Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Cattle Inventory in the United States, biannual report (NASS)
- Cattle on Feed in the United States (cattle numbers, NASS)
- AMS Livestock and Poultry Program (AMS)
- AMS Grades and Standards, Beef
- Commodity Purchase Programs, Beef (AMS)
- Livestock and Poultry Auditing and Verification (AMS)
- Livestock Gross Margin Insurance, Cattle (RMA)
- Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle (RMA)
- Livestock Risk Protection – Feeder Cattle (RMA)
- Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant Program (AMS)
- Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS)
- Promotion and Research Program, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (AMS)
- SUBMIT a Livestock Competition Complaint or Tip (Farmer Fairness, AMS)
- Animal Health – Cattle (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (APHIS)
- Cattle Resources - Dairy
The United States is a world leader in milk production. U.S. dairy farms, which are overwhelmingly family-owned and managed, are generally members of producer cooperatives. Dairy products range from cheese, fluid milks, yogurt, butter, and ice cream to dry or condensed milk and whey products, which are main ingredients in processed foods.
- Milk Cows Inventory and Production (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Cattle Inventory in the United States, biannual report (NASS)
- Dairy Data (Economics) - domestic supply, demand, and international trade (ERS)
- Dairy Market News (AMS)
- Dairy Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Milk Cost of Production Estimates (ERS)
- Milk Production in the United States (NASS)
- AMS Dairy Program (AMS)
- Dairy Export Certification Services (AMS)
- Dairy Donation Program (AMS)
- Dairy Grading Services Program (AMS)
- Dairy Grade Standards (AMS)
- Dairy Margin Coverage Program (FSA)
- Dairy Revenue Protection (RMA)
- Livestock Gross Margin Insurance Dairy Cattle (RMA)
- Dairy Business Innovation Initiative (funding opportunities, AMS)
- National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board (AMS)
- Promotion and Research Program, National Dairy Research and Promotion Program (AMS)
- Animal Health – Cattle (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (APHIS)
- Hog and Pig Resources
The United States is among the world's leading pork producers and a major player in the global pork market. USDA conducts market analyses on the domestic and world pork markets, including domestic supply and utilization, farm and retail pork prices, and international trade.
- Hogs and Pigs Inventory (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Hogs and Pigs Inventory in the United States, quarterly (NASS)
- Hogs and Pork Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Swine Market News Reports (AMS)
- AMS Livestock and Poultry Program (AMS)
- AMS Grades and Standards, Swine and Pork (AMS)
- Commodity Purchase Programs (AMS)
- Livestock and Poultry Auditing and Verification (AMS)
- Livestock Gross Margin, Swine (RMA)
- Livestock Risk Protection, Swine (RMA)
- Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant Program (AMS)
- Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS)
- Dealer, Market Agency Buying on Commission, and Clearing Agency Responsibilities (AMS)
- Livestock Sellers’ Rights Under the Statutory Trust for Livestock (AMS)
- Market Agency Selling on Commission and Stockyard Owner Responsibilities (AMS)
- Packer Responsibilities (AMS)
- Payment Protection (AMS)
- Swine Contract Library (AMS)
- Swine Production Contractor Responsibilities (AMS)
- Promotion and Research Program, Pork Board (AMS)
- SUBMIT a Livestock Competition Complaint or Tip (Farmer Fairness, AMS)
- Animal Health – Swine (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (APHIS)
- Insect Resources
Bees and Other Pollinators
Bees are one of the world’s most effective pollinators for food crops and therefore play a significant role in agricultural systems. Honeybees are the most common pollinator, which makes them the most important species of bees to domestic agriculture.
- Beekeeping Resources (NAL)
- Honey (NASS)
- Honey Bee Colonies (NASS)
- Forest Service Pollinators webpage
- USDA Pollinators webpage
Food and Feed Insects
- Invasive Animal Species
- National Invasive Species Council
- National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC, NAL)
- Impact of Invasive Species Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Invasive Pests and Diseases (NIFA)
- Invasive Species Program (funding)
- Invasive Wildlife Species (APHIS)
- Assistance to mitigate the environmental risks of pest control activities (NRCS)
- Forest Service and Invasive Species Management
- Feral Swine Damage (APHIS)
- Feral Swine Management (APHIS)
- Meat and Animal Product Resources
- Animal Products – Economics, Markets, Trade, and Policy/Regulatory Issues (ERS)
- Cold Storage, monthly (includes livestock products, NASS)
- Livestock and Meat Domestic Data (ERS)
- Livestock and Meat International Trade Data (ERS)
- Meat Animals - Production, Disposition and Income (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Meat Price Spreads (ERS)
- Livestock Slaughter Annual Summary (NASS)
- Livestock Slaughter, monthly (NASS)
- Livestock Slaughter Numbers (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant Program (AMS)
- Meat Grading Dashboard (AMS)
- Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network
- Ground Beef and Food Safety (FSIS)
- Poultry and Food Safety (FSIS)
- Egg Products and Food Safety (FSIS)
- USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline (FSIS): 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854);
- Poultry Resources
Poultry and egg production continues to expand to meet higher domestic and global demand for relatively low-cost, healthful, and convenient meat products.
- Poultry and Egg Inventory (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Poultry and Egg Market News Reports (ESMIS)
- Poultry and Eggs Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Poultry Slaughter, monthly (NASS)
- Poultry Slaughter Annual Summary (NASS)
- Chickens
- Chicken Market News Reports (AMS)
- Egg Market News Reports (AMS)
- Chickens and Eggs, monthly (NASS)
- Chickens and Eggs Annual Summary (NASS)
- Broiler Hatchery, weekly (NASS)
- Egg Products, monthly (NASS)
- Hatchery Production Annual Summary (NASS)
- Turkeys
- Turkey Hatchery, monthly (NASS)
- Turkeys Raised, annual (NASS)
- AMS Livestock and Poultry Program
- AMS Auditing and Verification Services
- AMS Grades and Standards
- Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS)
- Dealer, Market Agency Buying on Commission, and Clearing Agency Responsibilities (AMS)
- Live Poultry Dealer Responsibilities (AMS)
- Live Poultry Growers’ and Sellers’ Rights Under the Statutory Trust for Poultry (AMS)
- Market Agency Selling on Commission and Stockyard Owner Responsibilities (AMS)
- Packer Responsibilities (AMS)
- Payment Protection (AMS)
- Promotion and Research Program, American Egg Board (AMS)
- SUBMIT a Poultry Competition Complaint or Tip (Farmer Fairness, AMS)
- Animal Health – Avian (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (APHIS)
- Range and Grassland Management Resources
Rangelands provide the principal source of forage for the cattle and sheep operations for thousands of American farms and ranches. As human populations increase and demand for food and energy expands, the need for forage and the other range resources will increase.
- Grassland Productivity Forecast – Grass-Cast
- National Range and Pasture Handbook (NRCS)
- Rangeland Management (FS)
- Rangelands Resources (NRCS)
- Range and Pasture Resources (including how to get assistance, NRCS)
- Range and Grassland Research:
- Climate Change, Soils and Emissions - National Program 212 (ARS)
- Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems - National Program 215 (ARS)
- Sustainable Agricultural Systems - National Program 216 (ARS)
- Water Availability and Watershed Management - National Program 211 (ARS)
- Small Ruminant (Sheep and Goats) Resources
Sheep farms and ranches vary greatly in flock size across the United States. Breed diversity in the United States is extensive, matching breed choices with the environment. Vast western rangelands produce the most U.S. sheep, primarily for meat.
Goats, as a browsing species, fit naturally into more complex and mixed species grazing settings. Goat production systems vary across the United States, with herds dedicated to milk, mohair, or meat.
- Sheep and Lambs Inventory (Charts and Maps, NASS)
- Goat Market News Reports (AMS)
- Sheep Market News Reports (AMS)
- Sheep, Lamb & Mutton Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Sheep and Goat Inventory, annual survey (NASS)
- Sheep and Goats Inventory, annually (NASS)
- AMS Grades and Standards
- Sheep Production and Marketing Grant Program (AMS)
- Packers and Stockyards Act (AMS)
- Promotion and Research Program, American Lamb Board (AMS)
- SUBMIT a Livestock Competition Complaint or Tip (Farmer Fairness, AMS)
- Animal Health – Sheep and Goat (APHIS)
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (APHIS)
Animal Breeding and Genomics
USDA conducts and facilitates animal and aquatic species genetic improvement strategies across the globe. Development and early adoption of genomic and bioinformatics technologies support world-class efforts to expand the utility of animal genetic resources to produce high-quality, safe, accessible food and fiber. Genetic preservation is a key component of USDA animal breeding and genomics efforts.
- Animal Breeding and Genomics Research
Rapid advances in technology and bioinformatics propel research in animal breeding and genomics to ever-expanding capabilities. USDA and Land-grant University researchers have uncovered unprecedented knowledge of animal genomes, allowing precise identification of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that underpin characterization of diversity in animal phenotypes and which enhance response to selection for traits of economic, ecological, and societal value.
- Animal Genome to Phenome Roadmap
In 2008, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) published the “Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008–2017,” which served as a guiding document for research and funding in animal genomics. Building on accomplishments and acknowledging scientific and technology advances, ARS and NIFA, along with scientists in the animal genomics field, convened a workshop titled “Genome to Phenome: A USDA Blueprint for Improving Animal Production” in November 2017, producing the new 2018-2027 blueprint version. The 2018-2027 blueprint describes the vision, current state of the art, the research needed to advance the field, expected deliverables, and partnerships needed for each animal genomics research topic. Outcomes of Genome to Phenome blueprint will improve the ability to meet global demand for animal products as world population increases.
- Genome to Phenome: Improving Animal Health, Production, and Well-Being – A New USDA Blueprint for Animal Genome Research 2018–2027 (ARS, NIFA)
- Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI)
- Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) Grants (NIFA)
- National Animal Genome Research Support Program (NIFA)
- Genome Editing and Genetic Engineering
Natural genetic variants and small genetic code modifications offer tremendous opportunities to enhance the value of animal resources and opportunities for meeting global challenges. Genome editing also offers great promise for improving animal well-being by addressing animal resilience and resistance to stressors including disease and impacts of climate change.
- USDA Biotechnology
- Advancing Genome Editing to Improve the Sustainability and Resiliency of Animal Agriculture (OCS, OCE, ARS, NIFA, FAS)
- Biotechnology Regulatory Services (APHIS)
- International Workshop on Regulatory Approaches for Agricultural Applications of Animal Biotechnologies (FAS supported)
- First Calf Resistant to Major Viral Disease (ARS)
Animal Health, Wellbeing, and Welfare
Animal health and welfare are important aspects of animal care and management. An animal is considered in good welfare if they are healthy, in a positive emotional state, and can express natural behaviors. Positive health and welfare promote the animal's mental and physical needs and increases their quality of life.
- Animal Diseases
USDA helps the nation prepare for, respond to, and recover from animal diseases, including threats and incursions of foreign animal disease. We also conduct applied research and develop technology to help reduce the livestock and poultry industries' economic losses. These efforts also minimize infectious, genetic, and metabolic diseases in rural agricultural communities as well as prevent suffering and death caused by diseases in agriculturally important livestock and poultry.
- Farm Animal Diseases (NAL)
- Animal Disease Information (APHIS)
- Aquatic Animal Disease Information (APHIS)
- Reportable Animal Diseases List (APHIS)
- World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, previously OIE)
Infectious Diseases of High National Consequence
- African Swine Fever (ASF)
With a near 100 percent mortality rate for pigs and no vaccine, African swine fever poses a grave threat to U.S. swine. While the virus has not been detected in the United States, international travel, trade, and the disease’s easy transmission put U.S. herds at risk. It’s important to remain vigilant, practice and enforce proven prevention steps, and enhance your farm’s biosecurity plans and practices. - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE; Mad Cow Disease)
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), sometimes referred to as "mad cow disease", is a chronic degenerative prion disease affecting the central nervous system of cattle. A system of interlocking safeguards protects human and animal health, as well as food safety, in the United States. -
Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a severe and highly contagious viral disease of animals (not to be confused with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease in people). The FMD virus causes illness in cows, pigs, sheep, goats, deer, and other animals with divided hooves. FMD is a worldwide concern as it can spread quickly and cause significant economic losses. -
Highly Avian Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Avian influenza is caused by an influenza virus that can infect poultry. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a serious disease and requires rapid response because the virus strains are extremely infectious, often fatal to chickens, and can spread rapidly from flock-to-flock.- Avian Influenza (APHIS)
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (APHIS)
Diseases of Concern for Farm Animal Species
Aquatic Animal Diseases of Concern (APHIS)
- Epizootic hematopoietic necrosis virus
- Infectious salmon anemia virus
- Hemorrhagic septicemia virus
- Aquatic Animal Health Factsheet (APHIS)
Cattle Diseases of Concern (APHIS)
- Anaplasmosis
- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE; Mad Cow Disease)
- Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)
- Brucellosis
- Cattle Fever (Babesiosis)
- Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease)
- Heartwater (cowdriosis)
- Mastitis
- Rift Valley Fever
- Tuberculosis
Hog and Pig Diseases of Concern (APHIS)
- African Swine Fever (ASF)
- Classical swine fever
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease
- Japanese encephalitis
- Nipah virus
- Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
- Swine influenza
- Swine brucellosis
Horse (and other equine) Diseases (APHIS)
Poultry Diseases of Concern (APHIS)
- Avian influenza
- Marek’s Disease
- Virulent Newcastle disease
Sheep and Goat Diseases of Concern (APHIS)
- Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease
- Johne’s Disease
- Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae
- Rift Valley Fever
- Scrapie
Wildlife and Cervids/Deer Diseases (APHIS)
Prion Diseases
- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, Mad Cow Disease)
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
- Chronic Wasting Disease in Wildlife
- Chronic Wasting Disease in Farmed Cervids (e.g., deer, elk)
Prevalent animal diseases
- Animal Disease Surveillance, Prevention, and Management
A comprehensive, coordinated, integrated surveillance system is the foundation for animal health, public health, food safety, and environmental health. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) works with a vast network of partners to carry out surveillance activities in the United States. Together, we work to protect animal health, national economic viability, and the food supply. These surveillance programs also assure international trading partners of the health of the Nation’s herd and safety of our livestock and livestock products.
- Animal Health Officials for U.S. States and Entities
- APHIS Animal Health Information
- APHIS Aquaculture Health Programs and Information
- Animal Disease Traceability (APHIS)
- Animal Health Surveillance (APHIS)
- Animal Identification (APHIS)
Animal identification systems provide the ability to identify disease control and eradication, disease surveillance and monitoring, emergency response to foreign animal diseases, regionalization, global trade, livestock production efficiency, consumer concerns over food safety, and emergency management programs. - National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP, APHIS)
NADPRP strengthens our country's ability to combat animal disease outbreaks and provides funding to States, producer organizations, Tribal Nations, universities, and others to help them prepare for the most critical animal health threats facing U.S. livestock industries today. - National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN, APHIS, NIFA)
NAHLN is a national network of animal disease diagnostic laboratories that provides ongoing disease surveillance, responds quickly to disease events, communicates diagnostic outcomes to decision makers, and has the capability and capacity to meet diagnostic needs during animal disease outbreaks. - National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS, APHIS)
The NAHMS Unit conducts national studies on the health and health management of United States domestic livestock, equine, aquaculture, and poultry populations. - National Veterinary Services Laboratories (APHIS)
- Vaccines and Other Veterinary Biologics (APHIS)
The Center for Veterinary Biologics regulates veterinary biologics, such as vaccines, bacterins, antisera, diagnostic kits, and other products of biological origin to ensure its safety and effectiveness.
- Animal Health Research
USDA is continuously conducting animal health research and monitoring to protect threats to our Nation's food supply economy.
- Animal Disease Research Unit (ARS, WA)
- Animal Health - National Program 103 (ARS)
- Animal Health Genomics - US Meat Animal Research Center (ARS, NE)
- Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory (ARS, MD)
- Arthropod Borne Animal Disease Research Unit (ARS, KS)
- Aquaculture - National Program 106 (ARS)
- National Animal Disease Center (ARS, IA)
- National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (ARS, KS)
- Poultry Research Unit (ARS, MS)
- Produce Safety and Microbiology Research Unit (ARS, CA)
- Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (ARS, GA)
- Veterinary, Medical, and Urban Entomology - National Program 104 (ARS)
- Animal Health Research Competitive Grant Funding (NIFA)
- Animal Wellbeing and Welfare
Consumers are concerned not only with characteristics such as the nutritive content of animal products, but also want assurances that food animals are raised in humane conditions and receive humane treatment during handling and slaughter. USDA tracks animal health and welfare issues as they relate to food safety and the production and availability of animals for processing into meat.
- Animal Welfare Information Center (NAL)
- Animal Welfare and Well-Being Fact Sheet (NIFA)
- Animal Welfare Audit and Certification Programs (NAL)
- Center for Animal Welfare (APHIS)
- Humane Handling of Animals at Slaughter (FSIS)
Laws Concerning Welfare of Animals:
- Animal Welfare Act (APHIS)
- Animal Welfare Act and its History (NAL)
- Horse Protection Act (APHIS)
- Horse Protection Act Information (NAL)
- Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (FSIS)
- Humane Methods of Slaughter Act Information (NAL)
- Livestock Transport Regulations - 28 Hour Law (NAL)
- State and Local Animal Welfare Laws (NAL)
- Animal Welfare Complaint Form
(for species covered by the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act) (APHIS) - Housing, Care and Welfare of Animals (NAL)
- Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, commonly known as the Ag Guide (pdf)
- Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an area of focus because USDA plays a dual role in protecting animal agriculture and public health. USDA recognizes AMR as a potential and serious threat and focuses on surveillance, research and development, and education, extension and outreach.
- One Health
The health of animals, people and the environment are interconnected. The "One Health" approach is the collaborative effort of the human health, veterinary health, and environmental health communities.
With its partners, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Environmental Protection Agency, and Tribal Nations, USDA seeks to maintain or reduce health risks to animals, humans, the environment and society.
- USDA One-Health
- One Health (APHIS)
- Pests and Parasites of Agricultural Animals (e.g., insect and parasite pests)
- Ticks
- Lice and Mites (including mange)
- Mosquitos
- Sea Lice
- Flies
- New World Screwworm (APHIS)
- Screwworm invasive species information (NISIC)
- Sterile Fly Release Programs for population control (APHIS)
- Screwworm Eradication Program Records (NAL)
- Biting and other flies
- New World Screwworm (APHIS)
Internal Parasites (e.g., intestinal)
- Mammalian Pests (rodents, etc.)
- Vector-Borne Diseases
Insects and arthropods (like ticks) can transmit disease and/or cause injury to cattle. The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) conducts research to better understand and develop control methods for many of these disease threats. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) works with agency partners to identify, control, and eradicate these threats. - Invasive Animal Species
- Pet Travel and Animal Transportation
Preparing to travel with a pet to a foreign country can be complex and time-consuming. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service helps travelers navigate the process of obtaining health certificates and other documents required by the destination country.
- Traveling with your Pet (APHIS)
- Animal Transportation (AWIC)
- Animal Transportation Regulations: 28 Hour Law
- Veterinary Services (APHIS)
- Animal Health (APHIS)
- Contact information for USDA Veterinary Services (APHIS)
- Area Offices Contacts for States and Entities (APHIS/VS)
Animal Nutrition and Feeding
Animal feeding and nutrition involves animal nutrient utilization for growth and reproduction, food product quality and safety, technical assistance and education for producers and professionals, natural resource conservation and contributions to mitigating effects of climate change.
- Animal Nutrient Requirements
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) produce consensus reports that represent comprehensive reviews of the most recent information available on animal nutrition and ingredient composition. Species-specific reports provide recommendations for meeting nutrient requirements of agricultural animals, companion animals, and aquacultural species to support efficient, profitable, and environmentally conscious animal production.
- Nutrient Requirement Reports (reports on nutrient requirements of agricultural animals)
- Beef Cattle (8th edition, 2016)
- Dairy Cattle (8th edition, 2021)
- Fish and Shrimp (2011)
- Horses (6th edition, 2007)
- Mink and Foxes (2nd edition, 1982)
- Poultry (9th edition, 1994; 10th edition underway)
- Small Ruminants (2007)
- Swine (11th edition, 2012; 12th edition underway)
National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) serves as a forum to identify high-priority animal nutrition issues and provides an integrated and systemic approach to sharing, collecting, assembling, synthesizing, and disseminating science-based information, educational tools, and enabling technologies on animal nutrition (free account needed to access some resources).
- Nutrient Requirement Reports (reports on nutrient requirements of agricultural animals)
- Feed Management
Feed management involves modification and control of the quantity and quality of available nutrients, feedstuffs, ingredients, and additives fed to livestock, poultry, and aquatic species to achieve production and conservation goals.
- Animal Diets and Feed Management (NRCS)
- Effects of Diet and Feeding Management on Nutrient Content of Manure (NRCS)
- Feed and Animal Management for Greenhouse Gas Reduction (NRCS)
- Feed and Animal Management for Beef Cattle (NRCS)
- Feed and Animal Management for Dairy Cattle (NRCS)
- Feed and Animal Management for Horses (NRCS)
- Feed and Animal Management for Poultry (NRCS)
- Feed and Animal Management for Swine: Growing and Finishing Pigs (NRCS)
- Feed Management for Small and Organic Operations (NRCS)
- Nitrogen Efficiency and Management (NRCS)
- National Animal Nutrition Program Resources (includes feed composition, nutrition and modeling tools; free account needed to access some resources)
- Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (USDA Climate Hubs)
- Dairy Feed and Manure Management for Climate Adaptation (webinar and supporting material)
- Nutrition Research
USDA conducts research to improve nutrient use efficiency and to improve animal growth, reproduction, health, and wellbeing. Focused efforts include studies on the microbiome and mycobiome, alternatives to antibiotics, new protein feed sources, increased nutrient availability in feedstuffs, and improved immune response and gut health. In response to climate change, nutritional approaches to reduce methane and nitrous oxide are evaluated.
- Animal Nutrition, Growth, and Lactation Research Funding (NIFA)
- Research on Ruminant Nutrition, Growth, and Physiology (Clay Center, NE, ARS)
- Dairy Cow Nutrition Research Funding (NIFA)
- Alternative Stewardship Strategies for Winter Feeding Livestock (webinar and supporting material, NRCS)
- Bale Grazing: An Alternative Feeding Strategy for Overwintering Beef Cattle (webinar and supporting material, NRCS)
- Grazing Management to Promote Small Ruminant Health (webinar, NRCS)
- Animal Nutrition, Growth, and Lactation Research Funding (NIFA)
- Research on Nonruminant Nutrition, Growth, and Physiology (Clay Center, NE, ARS)
- Nonruminant Organic Livestock on Pasture (webinar and supporting material, NRCS)
Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms
- Aquafeeds Ingredient Evaluation, Trout Grains Project (Aberdeen, ID, ARS)
- Development of Alternative Feeds, Feed Management Regimes, and Production Systems for Improved Production and Health (ARS)
- Honey Bee Research (Tucson, AZ, ARS)
Animal Reproduction
- Reproduction Research
USDA conducts reproduction research in livestock, poultry, and aquatic species through internal governmental agency (Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and outward focused government-funded competitive research grant programs (National Institute of Food and Agriculture).
Climate Change, Sustainability, and Animal Agriculture
USDA supports agricultural-animal producers in their response and adaptation to the challenges of climate change to ensure a resilient and sustainable animal production system. USDA scienceprovides the foundation for many climate solutions. Financial and technical assistance that support the implementation of conservation practices enable producers to contribute to reducing greenhouse gases and improving carbon storage. Producers are on the front line of climate change and USDA aims to provide the information, tools, resources, and programs necessary to ensure the sustainability, health, productivity, profitability of America’s animal agriculture.
- Climate and Sustainability Resources
- AIM for Climate
- Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate
- Climate Change Topics – Economics and Impacts (ERS)
- Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities (USDA)
- Dairy Feed and Manure Management for Climate Adaptation (webinar and supporting material)
- Grants to Address Climate Change (NIFA)
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Reduction
- Feed and Animal Management for Greenhouse Gas Reduction (NRCS)
- Global Methane Pledge (FAS)
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Assessment Program (OCE)
- Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options and Costs for Agricultural Land and Animal Production within the United States (white paper, 2013)
- Pathways to Net Zero (Dairy)
USDA Climate Hubs
USDA Climate Hubs develop and deliver science-based, region-specific information and technologies, collaborating across USDA agencies and with non-USDA partners, to agricultural and natural resource managers that enable climate-informed decision-making, and to provide access to assistance to implement those decisions.
Food Safety of Animal Products
Consumers, communities, industry and government all work together to prevent foodborne illness. Take steps to ensure your food is safe by learning best practices for how to buy, prepare and store food safely.
- Food Safety Resources
- Health and Safety of Food (FSIS)
- Food Safety Basics (FSIS)
- Keep Food Safe - Food Handling and Preparation (FSIS)
- Recalls and Public Health Alerts (FSIS)
- Catfish from Farm to Table, includes food safety (FSIS)
- Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
- USDA Codex Office
- Food Safety Science (PDF, 114 KB) (White Paper, 2012)
- Food Safety Science and Research (NIFA)
- FSIS Science and Data
- Science of Food Safety (FSIS)
Markets, Economics, and Trade (Domestic and International)
USDA collects and publishes a wide range of data and information on domestic and international markets including forecasts, production figures, and trade statistics. We aim to provide farmers, producers, ranchers, and industry stakeholders with the information they need to make informed production and marketing decisions. Additionally, this information supports research efforts, informs policy and programs, and fosters transparency in the marketplace.
- U.S. Domestic Agricultural Markets and Economy
- Agricultural Analytics Reports - economic, market, statistical, analytic, and scientific (AMS)
- Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC)
- Animal Production and Marketing Issues (ERS)
- Aquaculture Topics – Economics, Markets, and Trade (ERS)
- Commodity Costs and Returns (ERS)
- Commodity Outlook Reports, includes Livestock (ERS)
- Domestic Price and Sales Market News Information by Commodity (AMS)
- Farm Income and Cash Receipts, 3 times per year (ERS)
- Livestock and Dairy Mandatory Price Reporting (AMS)
- Livestock and Meat Domestic Economic Data (ERS)
- Livestock Market News (AMS)
- Livestock Reports – Livestock Risk Protection and Livestock Gross Margin (RMA)
- Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook – Market Situations and Forecasts, monthly (ERS)
- Local and Regional Market Research and Analysis (AMS)
- Meat Animals: Production, Disposition, Income Annual Summary (ESMIS)
- Meat Price Spreads (ERS)
- Milk Marketing Order Statistics (AMS)
- Short and Long-Term Forecasts for Supply and Demand of Agricultural Commodities (including livestock, dairy and eggs) (OCE)
- Transportation Research and Analysis - economic analysis of agricultural transportation from farm to market (AMS)
- U.S. International Trade and Foreign Agricultural Markets
- International Markets
- International Markets and U.S. Trade (ERS)
- Agricultural Trade Advisory Committee (ATAC) for Trade in Animals and Animal Products (FAS)
- Aquaculture Topics – Economics, Markets, and International Trade (ERS)
- Dairy, Livestock and Poultry U.S. Exports (FAS)
- Dairy Monthly Imports (FAS)
- Dairy: World Markets and Trade (FAS)
- Global Agricultural Information Network (FAS)
- Global Agricultural Trade System (FAS)
- Livestock and Meat International Data (ERS)
- Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade (FAS)
- Market and Trade Data - Production, Supply, and Distribution (PSD) Online (FAS)
- Outlook Market Report for U.S. Agricultural Trade (ERS)
- State Agricultural Trade Data (ERS)
- Foreign Agricultural Service International Offices (FAS)
- Getting Started in the Global Marketplace (FAS)
Wildlife plays an important role in maintaining a healthy and functional ecosystem. USDA wildlife programs provide scientific information and research on wildlife, its habitat, and its relationship to agriculture and public health and safety, including disease programs and habitat management support for landowners.
- Wildlife Resources
- APHIS Wildlife Services
- Feral Swine Management (APHIS)
- Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Support (FS)
- Forest Service: Stay safe while enjoying the outdoors; respect wildlife, and know before you go:
- Bats (FS)
- Bears (FS)
- Snakes (FS)
- Mountain Lions (FS)
- Livestock Indemnity Program (including predation losses, FSA)
- Animal Health – Wildlife (APHIS)
- National Wildlife Disease Program (NWDP, APHIS)
- Wildlife Disease Surveillance (APHIS)
- National Wildlife Research Center (APHIS)
- Wild Horses and Burros (FS)
- Wildlife Habitat Management (NRCS)
- Working Lands for Wildlife (NRCS)
Wildlife Research
Additional Animal Research Resources
USDA provides funding opportunities to advance knowledge in both fundamental and applied sciences important to animal agriculture. Supported project areas include animal health and production, animal systems, aquaculture, and insect pests.
USDA Science and Research Strategy
Agriculture Network Information Collaborative (AgNIC)
Animal Use Alternatives in Animal Research (National Agricultural Library, NAL)
SEARCH the National Agricultural Library’s Collections
- USDA ARS Animal Research Units
The USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) conducts food animal research across the United States. Scientists and support personnel conduct cutting edge research, focusing on scientific discovery and problem solving to improve animal efficiency, health, and well-being to enhance production sustainability.
USDA ARS conducts animal research all around the United States and with global partners:
Food Animal Research Sites (ARS)
- Colorado: Agricultural Genetic Resources Preservation Research Unit – National Animal Germplasm Program
- Georgia: U.S. National Poultry Research Center
- Idaho: Range Sheep Production Efficiency Research Unit
- Indiana: Livestock Behavior Research Unit (Animal Welfare)
- Iowa: National Laboratory for Agriculture and The Environment (Swine & Poultry)
- Kentucky: Forage-animal Production Research Unit (Cattle & Sheep)
- Maryland: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (Dairy, Swine, & Poultry)
- Mississippi: Poultry Research Unit
- Missouri: Plant (and Animal) Genetics Research Unit (Genome Editing)
- Montana: Livestock and Range Research Unit
- Nebraska: U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (Cattle, Swine, & Poultry)
- Oklahoma: Oklahoma and Central Plains Agricultural Research Center (Cattle)
- Texas: Livestock Issues Research Unit (Cattle & Swine)
- Texas: Livestock Nutrient Management Research Unit (Cattle)
- Utah: Poisonous Plants Research Laboratory (Grazing Livestock)
- Wisconsin: U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Animal Health Research Sites (ARS)
- California: Produce Safety and Microbiology Research Unit (Transmissible Spongiaform Encephalopies)
- Kansas: Arthropod-borne Animal Diseases Research (Zoonotic Diseases)
- Maryland: Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory (Coccidia, Nematodes, PRRSv)
- Texas: Livestock Arthropod Pest Research Unit (Screwworm & Ticks)
- Washington: Animal Disease Research Unit
Aquaculture Research Sites (ARS)
- Alabama: Aquatic Animal Health Research (Catfish, Tilapia, Shrimp)
- Arkansas: Harry K. Dupree Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Center (Basses and Baitfish)
- Florida: Subtropical Plant Pathology Research (Marine Warmwater Finfish)
- Idaho: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research (Rainbow Trout)
- Louisiana: Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research (Farm-raised Catfish and Salmonids)
- Maine: National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center (Atlantic salmon, Eastern oyster)
- Mississippi: Warmwater Aquaculture Research Unit (Catfish)
- Oregon: Pacific Shellfish Research Unit (Pacific oyster)
- West Virginia: Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture Research (Rainbow Trout)
Veterinary, Medical, and Urban Entomology Sites (ARS)
- Florida: Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology
- Illinois: Crop Bioprotection Research (Mosquito)
- Kansas: Arthropod-borne Animal Diseases Research (Disease Vectors)
- Maryland: Invasive Insect Biocontrol & Behavior Laboratory
- Maryland: Systematic Entomology Laboratory
- Mississippi: Biological Control of Pests Research (Ants)
- Nebraska: Agroecosystem Management Research (Stable Fly)
- Texas: Livestock Arthropod Pest Research Unit
Additional Farm Animal Resources, Risk Management, Technical and Financial Support
- Additional Resources and Support
- Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC)
- NRCS Animal Technical and Financial Assistance
- Conservation Assistance and Programs (NRCS)
- Farmer Assistance (FSA)
- Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)
- Livestock Operation support (cattle, poultry, pork, goats, sheep, farm-raised fish or honeybees) – USDA Programs and Services
- Dairy Margin Coverage Program (DMC)
- Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool
- Disaster Assistance Programs at a Glance
- Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP)
- Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP)
- Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
- NRCS Programs for Tribes and Tribal Members
- Risk Management
- Dairy Margin Coverage Program (FSA)
- Livestock Insurance Plans (RMA)
- Cattle - Livestock Gross Margin Insurance (RMA)
- Cattle - Livestock Risk Protection – Fed Cattle (RMA)
- Cattle - Livestock Risk Protection – Feeder Cattle (RMA)
- Cattle – Weaned Calf Risk Protection (RMA)
- Dairy Cattle - Livestock Gross Margin Insurance (RMA)
- Dairy Revenue Protection (RMA)
- Shellfish Crop Insurance (RMA)
- Swine - Livestock Gross Margin (RMA)
- Swine - Livestock Risk Protection (RMA)
- Apiculture – Rainfall Index (RMA)
- Forage – Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (RMA)
- Forage – Annual Forage (RMA)
- Forage – Forage Production (RMA)
- Livestock – Whole Farm Revenue Protection (RMA)
- Livestock – Micro Farm (RMA)