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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

USDA Compliance Plan for OMB Memoranda M-24-10

Section 3, a, iii, of OMB Memo M-24-10, “Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk Management for Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence”, requires agencies to “submit to OMB and post publicly on the agency’s website either a plan to achieve consistency with this memorandum, or a written determination that the agency does not use and does not anticipate using covered AI.” USDA has developed the following memo which was submitted to OMB in September, 2024. This plan highlights work USDA has undertaken in FY24 as well as anticipated actions in FY25 to strengthen governance, advance responsible innovation, and manage risks associated with artificial intelligence.

USDA AI Compliance Plan (PDF, 1.1 MB) - published September 2024