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Showing: 2861 - 2870 of 12459 Results

A Quiz about a Certain Cute, but Damaging, Critter.


It's strong, intelligent, cute, but annoying and has become a major nuisance in urban and suburban areas. What is it? Gary Crawford has the answer in this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Drew Ricketts, Kansas State University Wildlife Management expert.

Weekly Features

Actuality: Vilsack Repeats Startling Stats on Loss of U.S. Farms


Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack at American Farm Bureau Federation convention citing some startling statistics on the loss of farms in the U.S.

Daily Newsline

Should You Put Your Pet on a Weight Loss Program?


If you made New Year's resolutions to lose weight, one expert says maybe you should have included your pets in that resolution. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Dr. Susan Nelson, Kansas State University veterinarian.

Weekly Features

Western Warm and Wet Weather this Week


Warmer weather has descended in the West, bringing with it expected precipitation throughout the week. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Advice for Growing Your Own Garden Transplants from Seeds


If you want to try growing your own garden transplants from seed this winter, Gary Crawford has some tips from an expert. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Ward Upham, Kansas State University Extension horticultural expert.

Weekly Features

Actuality: Western Snowpack Concerns


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses concerns with snowpack accumulations for this Western water season.

Daily Newsline

A Pilot to Provide Remote Beef Grading


A new USDA pilot program gives small-sized beef processing facilities opportunity for their products to receive USDA grading. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

Weekly Features

Actuality: 8 to 14 Day Weather Forecast


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says above normal warmth and mostly wet conditions are expected nationwide for the period of January 30 to February 5.

Daily Newsline

Four Actions to Boost USDA Farm Conservation Efforts


A top USDA official says it will take more than just more money to ensure the success of USDA conservation efforts. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Under Secretary of Agriculture Robert Bonnie.

Weekly Features

Update on Black Sea Wheat Production and Trade


What does USDA's latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate reveal regarding wheat production and exports for both Russia and Ukraine? Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski. Chief Economist Seth Meyer.

Weekly Features


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