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Showing: 2261 - 2270 of 12447 Results

Actuality: Drought Impacts on Two Global Corn Producers


USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer discusses how extreme dryness in both Mexico and South Africa is playing a role in lower corn production forecasts for those nations.

Daily Newsline

Latest Adjustments in USDA Orange Production Forecasts


With major production states reporting in April, USDA revised its all-orange production for the country this month. (Rod Bain and Mark Hudson of the National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Latest Numbers on World Wheat Exports and Stocks


USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski talking about world wheat trade and season ending stocks forecast.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Comments on Stronger U.S. Rice Exports


USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski with comments on stronger U.S. rice exports.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: More Corn Going into Ethanol Production.


USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski saying that more corn is going into ethanol production than was previously projected.

Daily Newsline

Improving Topsoil Moisture Condition Ratings


What were the factors behind an improvement in the most recent USDA national topsoil moisture condition report? (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Topsoil Moisture Shortage by State


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at some notable state reports regarding topsoil moisture shortage conditions for the period ending April 7th.

Daily Newsline

Measuring Global Ag Production and Sustainability


Has world agriculture production over a six-decade period trended towards use of less resources and, in turn, become more sustainable? (Rod Bain and USDA research economist Keith Fuglie)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Total Factor Productivity


USDA research economist Keith Fuglie explains a measurement model used to determine agricultural production on the global scale versus the amount of inputs needed to reach such production levels.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: TFP Reflecting Global Ag Production Shift


USDA research economist Keith Fuglie looks at how the total factor productivity model points to increased global ag production with fewer inputs needed.

Daily Newsline


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