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Showing: 1851 - 1860 of 12631 Results

Actuality: Wet Weather Limiting Field Work


USDA Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg saying that in many places the wet weather is limiting field work.

Daily Newsline

Ag Efforts and Accomplishments within Presidential Export Council


The Agriculture Secretary recently provided an update on efforts to expand farm and food exports before the President’s Export Council. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

Weekly Features

Actuality: A Look at Pasture and Rangeland Conditions


USDA Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg with a look at pasture and rangeland conditions.

Daily Newsline

A New Tool to Assist ELAP Applicants


A new online tool is now available for producers submitting applications to ELAP - one of USDA's disaster assistance programs. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux

Weekly Features

A Look at One USDA Lineage


An Iowa State University official makes a case of connection between her land grant institution and some of the more prominent leaders over the history of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Iowa State University President Wendy Wintersteen

Weekly Features

Technical Assistance for Meat and Poultry Processing Capacity Projects


USDA and various partners offer technical assistance to entities wishing to expand local meat and poultry processing capacity. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Dave Carter of the Flower Hill Institute

Weekly Features

A Native and Tribal-Centric Ag Trade Mission


USDA’s recent Agricultural Trade Mission focused on tribal and native oriented ag export opportunities was a first. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor

Weekly Features

New Contributions to Sweet Cherry Production Forecast


How does the addition of a state impact this season's sweet cherry production forecast from USDA? (Rod Bain and Lance Honig of the National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Daily Newsline

More Tart Cherries to be Produced this Season


USDA forecasts a year over year increase in tart cherry production thanks to a rebound by the nation’s largest tart cherry growing state. (Rod Bain and Lance Honig of the National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Sweet Cherry Production Forecast Nationally


Lance Honig of the National Agricultural Statistics Service looks at this season's sweet cherry production forecast, and compares the crop to previous years.

Daily Newsline


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