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Showing: 531 - 540 of 12587 Results

Actuality: One Focus in New Supply/Demand Report Will Be Wheat


USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski says one focus in the upcoming USDA supply and demand report will be the wheat market. ***The new forecasts will be released Tuesday, Dec. 10th, noon, EST***

Daily Newsline

Genetic Resources Aid in Grape Variety Crossbreeding


Plant genetic researchers, including those at USDA, are relying on genetic resources like data to help expedite the crossbreeding process to develop new grape varieties. (Rod Bain and Erin Galarneau of the Plant Genetic Research Unit)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Genetic Resources Expedite Grape Crossbreeding Efforts


Erin Galarneau of USDA’s Plant Genetic Research Unit explains how the use of genetic resources like data is speeding up the time to crossbred grape varieties and develop new ones.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Genetic Resources Expedite Grape Crossbreeding Efforts


Erin Galarneau of USDA’s Plant Genetic Research Unit explains how the use of genetic resources like data is speeding up the time to crossbred grape varieties and develop new ones.

Daily Newsline

U.S. Drought Coverage Shrinks in November


October’s peak in our nation’s drought coverage has eroded over the past five weeks due to heavy rain and snow totals in several parts of the country. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Drought Coverage by Region


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at various regions of the country to see where reduction and expansion of drought coverage has taken place for the period ending December 3rd.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Crops and Commodities in Drought


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses drought coverage for various crops and commodities for the period ending December 3.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Drought Coverage by State


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses notable state drought coverages per the December 3rd U.S. Drought Monitor.

Daily Newsline

How Long Will This Time of Low Crop Profit Margins Continue?


USDA says 2024 will be the second year in a row of falling crop prices and slim profits. How long will that trend continue? (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief economist Seth Meyer)

Daily Newsline

U.S. Farmers Shifted into High Gear after Pearl Harbor Attack.


The 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor sent U.S. farmers into production overdrive, helped by civilian victory gardens. (Gary Crawford, Anne Effland and former President Franklin Roosevelt)

Daily Newsline


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