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Press Release

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Appoints Grain Inspection Advisory Committee Members


WASHINGTON, Jan.20, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack appointed four members to serve on the United States Department of Agriculture Grain Inspection Advisory Committee. The appointees will serve 3-year terms.

Newly appointed members include: Jimmy L. Williams, state administrator, Missouri Department of Agriculture, Jefferson City, Mo; Terry Peach, owner, Terry Peach Farms, Mutual, Okla., Nicholas R. Friant, business unit food safety leader, Cargill, Inc., Mayzata, Minn., and; Kia Mikesh, project manager, North Dakota Grain Inspection, Fargo, N.D.

The committee advises the Secretary of Agriculture and the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) on the programs and services it delivers under the U.S. Grain Standards Act. Committee recommendations assist GIPSA in enhancing services for its customers in today's dynamic and changing marketplace. Committee members represent a broad range of agricultural disciplines and interests from grain merchants, official agencies, and producers.

For additional information about the Grain Inspection Advisory Committee visit the GIPSA website:


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