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Press Release

Statement from Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden on the Passing of Dr. D.D. Hardee


WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2015—Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden today released the following statement on the passing of Dr. D.D. "Dick" Hardee, the research entomologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service who led the team that developed the boll weevil pheromone trap that helped eradicate the pest from the U.S. Cotton Belt:

"As an internationally recognized entomologist, Dr. Hardee's work changed the cotton industry forever. Dr. Hardee will be remembered for his contributions to eradicating a costly insect from the United States. His legacy lives on in all of the cotton farmers across the Cotton Belt who still use the boll weevil trap today. My thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Hardee's family and friends."


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