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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Release of Text for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement


WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2015 -- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today released the following statement regarding the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.

"The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership is an important step forward in the process to make this landmark agreement for U.S. agriculture a reality. The text confirms that this agreement provides new market access across the board for America's farmers and ranchers by lowering tariffs and eliminating other barriers, and will boost exports and support jobs in our rural economies.

At the end of the day, TPP is about opportunity. The agreement will advance U.S. economic interests in a critical region that accounts for nearly 40 percent of global GDP. It will also help the United States respond to the regional and bilateral trade agreements that are already in place or are being negotiated by competitor countries. This high-standard agreement will expand U.S. agricultural exports, generate more rural economic activity, and support higher-paying American jobs. I encourage our farmers and ranchers to take a look at what's in the deal for them, and I hope that after a period of consideration and review in the coming months, Congress will move quickly to pass this agreement.

While the release of the text is a critical benchmark, there is still much work to be done. We look forward to a discussion across the country about the details of this agreement, including the simple fact that TPP removes barriers to trade in food and agriculture products, which is critical for the economic health of U.S. agriculture and rural communities. With 95 percent of the world's consumers outside of our borders, we cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away."

To review the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, visit


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