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Press Release

Fact Sheet: USDA Releases New Data on Investments in Manufacturing, Jobs Supported by Manufacturing in Rural Communities


Those who call rural America home know that there's more to the rural economy than just farms and ranches. The potential to grow and make innovative products in rural America is limitless, and manufacturing is particularly important for rural communities. Rural America makes a wide array of products including light manufacturing tools, automotive parts, clothing and apparel, crafts, forest products, and services. In 2013, manufacturing accounted for nearly 2.5 million rural jobs nationwide.

Between fiscal years 2009 and 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has invested $2.5 billion to help rural manufacturers across the country increase production and capacity, move products to market at home and abroad, and support good paying jobs in rural communities. To learn more about how USDA invests in rural communities and businesses to help them grow, visit

Link to table of state-by-state USDA investments in rural manufacturing and jobs supported by rural manufacturing: Rural Manufacturing Jobs-USDA Investment in Rural Manufacturers (PDF, 121 KB)


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