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Press Release

William Chambers Appointed World Board Chair of Interagency Commodity Estimates Wheat Committee


Washington, Sept. 23, 2015 - USDA Chief Economist Robert Johansson has announced William (Bill) Chambers has been appointed to USDA's World Agricultural Outlook Board and will serve as chair of the Interagency Commodity Estimates Committee (ICEC) for wheat. Mr. Chambers has been a commodity analyst with the World Board for the past year and with USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) since 2004.

As ICEC Chairman, M\r. Chambers will be responsible for overseeing USDA's development of wheat forecasts for the monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. He will also review and approve forecasts and analytical reports issued by member agencies to ensure that all USDA forecasts are consistent and objective. His appointment became effective August 23, 2015.

"Bill has demonstrated his analytical skills and been a valued contributor to USDA's interagency review and clearance process for the WASDE and other economic reports," Johansson said. "He brings both experience and aptitude to a leadership role at the World Board."

At FSA, Mr. Chambers was responsible for forecasting farm program outlays and preparing economic analyses of farm policies and programs. Prior to joining FSA, he worked as an agricultural economist with USDA's Economic Research Service. In that position, he provided economic analysis and research on a variety of issues affecting agricultural commodity markets. Mr. Chambers received his M.S. and PhD. degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1999, respectively. He is a native of Minnesota.


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