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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on National Agriculture Day


WASHINGTON, March 18, 2015 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today released the following statement:

"On this National Agriculture Day, we acknowledge the impact of American agriculture on our daily lives and our nation's economy. We thank the scientists, conservationists, farmers and ranchers dedicated to the work that feeds the nation and helps to keep us safe. Their work touches the lives of all Americans - from the farm field to the kitchen table and from the air we breathe to the energy that powers our country.

"Thanks to the ingenuity, efficiency, and sweat of those working in American agriculture, we have seen record agricultural exports over the last six years. We saw our agricultural economy remain strong and help keep the country afloat through the Great Recession, and we see it now helping to drive our recovery. Thanks to those working in American agriculture, we pay less for our food as a percentage of our wages than any other nation in the world. That means we have more money to spend on other things, which is good for our families and the nation's economy. Those working in agriculture feed hundreds of millions at home and around the world. And because American farmers are able to provide for so many of us, they give more and more of us the freedom to pursue goals and livelihoods beyond growing the food we need to survive.

"So today, thank a farmer. Today and every day, let us celebrate American agriculture that fosters economic opportunity and innovation that will continue to help our nation grow and thrive in a global economy."


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