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Press Release

Statement from United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson


Washington, July 6, 2012 - The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are committed to working closely together on a comprehensive review of a variety of applications recently received to introduce crops developed to tolerate exposure to a number of herbicides, including 2, 4-D, as well as associated applications for changes in the licensed uses of these herbicides on the associated crops. While USDA and EPA already collaborate, it is important that our reviews be coordinated to ensure that they are completed as comprehensively and efficiently as possible. In particular, USDA and EPA will work to ensure that the best available information is used, that our agencies thoroughly and carefully consider the potential human health, plant health, environmental, and other relevant impacts, and that our agencies reach conclusions that are consistent with and fulfill our respective responsibilities and statutory mandates. As an integral part of this process, the agencies will provide meaningful opportunities for public engagement through notice and comment on the full range of issues relevant to the agencies' decision-making.


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