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Press Release

USDA 2012 Food Assistance Programs to Benefit Nearly 10 Million Worldwide


WASHINGTON, April 2, 2012-The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that international food assistance in fiscal year 2012 will benefit more than 9.7 million people worldwide under USDA's Food for Progress and McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition programs.

"These two international food assistance programs are important tools in the U.S. effort to support global food security and sustainable agriculture production through President Obama's Feed the Future Initiative," said Michael Scuse, Acting Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services. "With the world's population expected to top 9.3 billion by 2050, these programs lay the foundation on which food-insecure nations can meet the needs of their citizens and build more vibrant economies."

Under the programs, USDA purchases U.S. commodities and donates them to government agencies and private-voluntary organizations in targeted countries. Food for Progress recipients in developing countries and emerging democracies sell the commodities and use the funds to introduce and expand free enterprise in the agricultural sector. For example, a past Food for Progress program in Bangladesh trained farmers to develop prawn nurseries, which generated more than $1 million in farmer income over two years. The McGovern-Dole Program focuses on low-income, food-deficit countries that are committed to universal education. Participants either use or sell the donated U.S. commodities to support education, child development, and food security. For example, in Mali, more than 45,000 children and adults in 120 schools have been fed by Catholic Relief Services with help from the program.

The commodities USDA is donating include U.S.-produced corn-soy blend, cornmeal, dehydrated potato flakes, dried beans, lentils, rice, sorghum, soy oil, soybeans, soybean meal, vegetable oil and wheat.

USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service administers both the Food for Progress and McGovern-Dole programs. More information can be found at:

USDA's food aid programs contribute to the goals of President Obama's global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future. Feed the Future is part of a multilateral effort launched at the L'Aquila World Summit on Food Security in 2009 to accelerate progress toward the Millennium Development Goal of halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty and suffering from hunger by 2015. More information on Feed the Future can be found at:

Food for Progress: Fiscal Year 2012 Allocations

CountryParticipantPotential Beneficiaries Estimated Value*
El SalvadorFINCA International270,000$11,000,000
GuatemalaCounterpart International70,000$7,500,000
MaliAga Khan Foundation710,000$24,000,000
MongoliaMercy Corps140,000$6,800,000
MozambiqueLand O'Lakes970,000$22,000,000
NicaraguaCatholic Relief Services1,490,000$20,300,000
SenegalInternational Relief and Development1,560,000$14,800,000
SenegalShelter for Life20,000$14,800,000
TanzaniaCatholic Relief Services900,000$15,300,000
TOTAL 6,950,000$158,000,000

* includes shipping and freight costs

McGovern-Dole Program: Fiscal Year 2012 Allocations

CountryParticipantPotential BeneficiariesEstimated Value*
AfghanistanWorld Vision80,000$16,600,000
CambodiaInternational Relief and Development30,000$6,900,000
CameroonCounterpart International120,000$16,400,000
EthiopiaWorld Food Program240,000$26,500,000
HaitiWorld Food Program300,000$8,000,000
HondurasCatholic Relief Services50,000$16,000,000
KenyaWorld Food Program700,000$9,700,000
KyrgyzstanMercy Corps70,000$10,900,000
LaosCatholic Relief Services30,000$12,000,000
LiberiaWorld Food Program340,000$6,400,000
MalawiWorld Food Program340,000$8,300,000
NepalWorld Food Program210,000$6,000,000
MozambiquePlanet Aid70,000$20,000,000
MozambiqueWorld Vision110,000$20,000,000
SenegalCounterpart International30,000$11,200,000
Sierra LeoneCatholic Relief Services30,000$10,800,000
TOTAL 2,750,000$205,700,000

* includes shipping and freight costs


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