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Showing: 961 - 970 of 1442 Results

A USDA Community Connect Grant Brings Brownington, Missouri to the Digital Age

February 15, 2011 Janie Dunning, Missouri Rural Development State Director, and George Thomas, Public Information Coordinator

A small rural community half way between Kansas City and Springfield is the Village of Brownington, possibly the best kept secret of Henry County. Nestled comfortably along the Harry S. Truman Lake, the Village consists of 119 residents with 68 housing units covering a land area of only 0.15 sq...

Rural Technology

Scientists Agree: Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century

September 14, 2010 Jill Auburn, Office of the Chief Scientist and Research, Education and Economics Mission Area

Support local farmers, strengthen rural communities, promote healthy eating, and protect natural resources…these goals of our Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative find a lot of support in the results of a major new scientific study by the National Research Council, Toward Sustainable...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Georgia Recovery Act Project to Improve Water Quality in the Savannah River

September 10, 2010 Sarah Burk, Student Reporter

My name is Sarah Burk and I live in Savannah, Georgia. I am 13 years old and am home-schooled. I am going to update you on the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Port Wentworth, Georgia.

Initiatives Rural

USDA Recovery Act Funding Buoys Broadband Expectations for Rural Illinois

September 08, 2010 Joan Messina, Illinois USDA Public Information Coordinator

The excitement was readily apparent when Rural Development Illinois State Director Colleen Callahan and Governor Pat Quinn announced Aug. 31 that 66,000 Cellular One customers in 11 east central Illinois counties would be getting high speed Internet service.

Initiatives Rural Technology

FSA Administrator Learns of Real-World Recovery Act Experiences in Alabama

August 31, 2010 Vickie Lane, Farm Service Agency, Alabama

Farm Service Agency Administrator Jonathan Coppess met earlier this month with local farmers in Wetumpka, Ala., to discuss how assistance from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ( Recovery Act) has helped their farming operation.

Initiatives Rural

Feed the Future Update from the International Food Aid and Development Conference

August 04, 2010 scitron

Written by Ann Tutwiler, Coordinator of the Global Food Security Initiative This May, the U.S. government announced the Feed the Future (FTF) initiative to stem global hunger and increase food security, marking a new direction in food aid and assistance. The whole-of-government approach links USDA’s...

Food and Nutrition

Recovery Act Delivers "Fastest-Possible" Internet Access to Squirrel Flat

July 16, 2010

By Bobby M. Goode, Tennessee State Director Access to high speed Internet connections grows more important every day. For businesses in Rural America it can be the difference between success and layoffs. Now a 60-year old telephone co-op and USDA Rural Development (RD) have teamed up to construct...

Initiatives Rural Technology

Apps for Healthy Kids: All Hands on Deck to End Childhood Obesity

July 07, 2010

Cross-Posted from the Let's Move Blog By Aneesh Chopra, United States Chief Technology Officer Thank you for your participation! By the time the Apps for Healthy Kids competition submission period closed last week, we had 160 submissions in hand and nearly 20,000 supporters. Now we are reviewing all...

Food and Nutrition

USDA Recovery Act Funding Improves Water Quality in a Nebraska Community

May 24, 2010 Vicki Schurman, USDA Public Information Coordinator

USDA Rural Development Nebraska State Director Maxine Moul, staff and the residents of Stromsburg celebrated the 40th anniversary of Earth Day recently with the announcement of more than $2.2 million in planned improvements to the City's municipal water system. The improvements will bring the system...


South Dakota Municipal League Benefits from Recovery Act Funds

November 10, 2009 acampbell

It’s a source of pride to me that South Dakota is benefitting from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) that President Obama signed into law in February. As an example, the South Dakota Municipal League is breaking ground on a lot in the Teton Island Addition in Fort Pierre for new...



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