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Showing: 481 - 490 of 1442 Results

Charlie Rawls: Amplifying Diverse Voices in the Process of Advancing Equity for All

April 15, 2024 Cecilia Hernandez, Designated Federal Officer, USDA Equity Commission

With a legal lens and knack for paying attention to detail, Equity Commission Member Charles (Charlie) Rawls has been the go-to source to help capture the essence of the Equity Commission’s intentions. With his firsthand experience working on civil rights reforms at the Department of Agriculture as...


Agricultural Research Needs to Be a Priority

February 03, 2016 Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Seeing President Obama’s fiscal year 2017 budget proposal and the strong commitment it makes to agricultural research reminds me of Dr. Consuelo De Moraes. As a university researcher and panel manager of the National Research Initiative (NRI) competitive grants program, I called Dr. De Moraes in...

Research and Science

Southern Plains Climate Hub Helps Land Managers Build Resilience to Climate Variability

September 23, 2015 Jean Steiner, USDA Climate Hubs Southern Plains Lead

Wind-devastated farmland in Kansas during the Dust Bowl. The U.S. Southern Plains states have always been known for their wild weather. Stories of the volatile climate of this region abound. Whether you’re talking about Pecos Bill roping a tornado in Texas, Dorothy being blown away by a twister to...

Smart Federal Partnerships Build Our Biofuels Future

April 21, 2015 Kate Lewis, USDA

Here at USDA, we believe collaboration is the key to helping us address our nation's most pressing needs, like energy. Building on partnerships in both the public and private sphere, we are leveraging resources to achieve and impact far greater than USDA could ever achieve alone. During this year’s...


An Ag Outlook Audience Learns How Voluntary Conservation Can Help At-Risk Wildlife and Reduce the Need for Regulation

February 26, 2015 Justin Fritscher, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington

Regulations may be needed, but are they all we need? That was the common thread weaved through presentations by natural resource experts last week at USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum. Panelists included: Chris Hartley, deputy director of USDA’s Office of Environmental Markets; Jim Serfis, chief of...


From Data to Decisions: Using Data to Improve Public Access and Knowledge

November 29, 2013 Joyce Hunter, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Policy and Planning

There are many companies that are currently using USDA data. Mercaris is a new company filling in the gap in offerings with reliable market data and an online trading tool tailored to the organic and non-GMO production, processing, and retail industries. Their reports present current and archived...


Farm to School Programs Come to Life on Video

October 28, 2013 Deborah Kane, National Director, USDA Farm to School Program

Right before the Academy Awards I race around trying to see all the films that have been nominated. And right about now, with Farm to School Month about to come to a close, I’m feeling the same way about trying to absorb all the great information being shared this month. As the USDA Farm to School...

Food and Nutrition

Start A School Garden - Here's How...

August 13, 2013 Annie Ceccarini, Outreach and Education Specialist, the People’s Garden Initiative

Numerous excellent school garden programs have sprouted up across the country. School gardens often provide food that improves a child’s diet and nutrition, areas for learning, places for pleasure and recreation, as well as a continuing lesson in environmental stewardship and civic pride. But how do...


U.S. Forest Service and Partners Create a Storytelling DVD Designed to Inform and Inspire Hmong Americans

May 11, 2011 Jane Hodgins, Northern Research Station

A new DVD is helping to deliver conservation messages designed to encourage Hmong Americans to enjoy public lands and be mindful of the responsibilities associated with enjoying the America’s great outdoors. Conservation professionals have lacked culturally-appropriate tools for reaching the Hmong...

Conservation Forestry

U.S. Forest Service Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act

August 04, 2016 James Wettstead, Archeologist, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest

Signed by President Lyndon Johnson fifty years ago, the National Historic Preservation Act marked a fundamental shift in how Americans and the federal government regarded the role of historic preservation in modern life. The U.S. Forest Service has a long history of protecting significant heritage...



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