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Showing: 681 - 690 of 2119 Results
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Another Study Shows Kids Eating More Healthy Food at School, Throwing Less Food Away

March 04, 2015 Cullen Schwarz and Brooke Hardison, USDA Office of Communications

A new study published in Childhood Obesity has again confirmed that students are consuming healthier food at school as a result of the updated meal standards. The study further demonstrates that, contrary to anecdotal reports, the new standards are not contributing to an increase in plate waste. The...

Food and Nutrition

Rural Housing: Making a Home for Summer Food Program

March 04, 2015 Tony Hernandez, Administrator, USDA Rural Housing Service

In 2014, 21.6 million American children depended on free or reduced-price school lunches. When school lets out for the summer, many of these children do not get enough to eat and become at risk of all the health issues associated with hunger. Poverty and the lack of food for children are persistent...

Food and Nutrition Rural

Hunger In Our Schools: Breakfast Is A Crucial "School Supply" For Kids In Need

March 03, 2015 Tom Nelson, President, Share Our Strength

Good nutrition is just as important to a child’s future as a quality education—maybe even more so. We can’t expect kids to learn, excel and achieve if they aren’t properly nourished from day one. Share Our Strength’s new report, Hunger in Our Schools, illustrates how the healthier school breakfasts...

Food and Nutrition

Investing in Rural Kids Is an Investment in Our Future

March 02, 2015 Doug O'Brien, Senior Policy Advisor for Rural Affairs with the White House Domestic Policy Council

Cross-posted from the White House Rural Council blog: "Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well? Or will we build an economy where everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead? ... This country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everyone does their fair...

Food and Nutrition

National Nutrition Month: Raising a Healthier Generation through Diet, Education

March 02, 2015 Kevin Concannon, Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

We all want our children to succeed. It’s an important value and one the entire country can rally around. This March we’re redoubling our efforts to that commitment by celebrating National Nutrition Month and the importance of raising a healthier generation of kids. It’s our collective...

Food and Nutrition

Small Start-Up Brings Big Change for Philly Communities

March 02, 2015 Anne L. Alonzo, Agricultural Marketing Service Administrator

It all started with one truck—one truck and the idea that bringing fresh, healthy foods into Philly communities was just a question of coordination. For Haile Johnston and his wife, Tatiana Garcia-Granados, founding Common Market was the logical solution to solve the food access issues they saw in...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Teach Healthier Meals in a SNAP!

February 27, 2015 The SNAP-Ed Team

This is the fourth installment of the What’s Cooking? Blog Series . In honor of the Let’s Move 5 th Anniversary, and the commitment USDA shares with Let’s Move to promote healthy eating and access to healthy foods, this month-long series will highlight the various features of the What’s Cooking...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

What's Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl: A Collection of Recipes for Schools and Child Care Centers

February 23, 2015 Cheryl Jackson Lewis, Director, Nutrition Promotion and Technical Assistance Division, Child Nutrition Programs, USDA FNS

This is the third installment of the What’s Cooking? Blog Series. In honor of the Let’s Move 5 th Anniversary, and the commitment USDA shares with Let’s Move to promote healthy eating and access to healthy foods, this month-long series will high­­light the various features of the What’s Cooking...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

What's Cooking with USDA Foods?

February 18, 2015 Lindsay Walle, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Food Distribution Division

This is the second installment of the What’s Cooking? Blog Series . In honor of the Let’s Move 5 th Anniversary, and the commitment USDA shares with Let’s Move to promote healthy eating and access to healthy foods, this month-long series will high­­light the various features of the What’s Cooking...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Montana Organic Association Focuses on the Benefits of Organic Business

February 13, 2015 Betsy Rakola, USDA Organic Policy Advisor

This is the twenty-third installment of the Organic 101 series that explores different aspects of the USDA organic regulations. According to a 2014 USDA Economic Research Service report, consumer demand for organically produced products continues to show double-digit growth. This year, the Montana...

Food and Nutrition


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