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Showing: 1091 - 1100 of 2119 Results
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Colorado Partners Unite to Fight Summer Hunger

August 19, 2013 Budhiraja, Anjali, Mountain Plains Region Public Affairs Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service, USDA

Colfax Avenue in Denver, Colorado, is known for its diversity of businesses and residents. It is home to establishments ranging from upscale restaurants to motels housing low-income and homeless families. However, the upscale scene doesn’t tell the whole story. Within a two-mile stretch of Colfax...

Food and Nutrition

Quinoa: A Plant with a Lot of Potential

August 16, 2013 Tanisha Greene, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

In February of this year, the United National declared 2013 the International Year of the Quinoa. Yet, I’m sure not many people have even heard of quinoa, let alone know about its nutritional qualities. Originating from Bolivia, Chile and Peru around 5,000 years ago, quinoa is a grain that is...

Food and Nutrition

Back to Healthy School Meals: USDA Congratulates Six States for Nearly 100% of Schools Meeting New Meal Standards

August 16, 2013 Dr. Janey Thornton, Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary

As we continue to combat childhood obesity in America, I am proud to say that this Back to School season our school cafeterias are at the heart of offering great nutrition for our kids. Students and schools are embracing the healthier lunches offered through the National School Lunch Program that...

Food and Nutrition

What Does It Cost to Raise a Child?

August 14, 2013 Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

How much will that little bundle of joy cost? According to USDA’s Cost of Raising a Child report, the answer for a child born in 2012 is $241,080 for food, shelter and other necessities over the next 17 years, which translates to about $301,970 when adjusted for inflation! Speaking as a father and a...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Next Year at School: New Standards Point to Healthier Snacks and Other Competitive Foods

August 13, 2013 Joanne Guthrie, Food Economics Division, Economic Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. Beginning with the 2014-15 school year, “competitive foods” in schools will be subject to new nutritional standards...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science

Ready, Set, Learn: USDA Lessons for Our Nation’s Next Generation

August 13, 2013 Rebecca Frank, USDA Office of Communications

It’s that time of year! Back to school season is upon us and agencies across the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are working to ensure a stronger and healthier future for our nation’s next generation of leaders. That means providing a happy and healthy learning environment for our kids, and...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition Animals Plants Research and Science

MyPlate Goes To College

August 12, 2013 Robert Post, Acting Executive Director, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion launched a new initiative this past March, MyPlate On Campus, to help spread healthy eating messages to young adults during their college years. MyPlate On Campus is a unique program that encourages students to improve their own eating and physical...

Food and Nutrition

"USDA Tender" - A Cooperative Effort with the U.S. Beef Industry

August 12, 2013 Craig Morris, Deputy Administrator of the AMS, Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program

Tenderness is one of the most significant factors affecting the overall consumer acceptance of beef cuts. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Beef Quality Grading program is a useful tool in predicting overall consumer acceptance of beef, other factors besides those assessed by the...

Food and Nutrition Health and Safety

Back to School with MyPlate Kids' Place

August 12, 2013 Donna Johnson-Bailey, MPH, RD

Back-to-school is an exciting time of year that provides new opportunities for teaching and learning. The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion offers great nutrition resources for young children, parents, and educators for this upcoming school year. now features MyPlate...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Cultural Sustainability through Farmers Markets

August 09, 2013 Ed Avalos, Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

In agriculture, we talk a lot about sustainability. As a method of growing crops, caring for ecosystems like forests or wetlands, or even the economic sustainability of businesses—we look at this word from all angles. But there’s another component to consider: cultural sustainability. As a nation of...

Food and Nutrition Farming


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