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USDA launches website to inform the public about user fees

December 6, 2010 at 9:58 AM

USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is launching a website to provide members of the public with information about its user fee programs. The public can access the website at

The new website provides a description of user fee goods and services, current rates and how they were determined, and scheduled rate changes. The website will allow individuals and businesses that use these programs to anticipate rate changes and better plan for the future.

USDA charges user fees to cover the cost of providing a variety of goods and services that keep commerce moving while protecting our nation's food and forest resources. Inspection services ensure that food, animals, and other products entering the country are free from invasive pests and diseases that could harm America’s agriculture and environment. Veterinary diagnostic services ensure the health and safety of American livestock. Other user fee services certify that U.S. animal and plant products are pest and disease free before they are exported overseas.

The new website reflects USDA’s ongoing commitment to enhance transparency and improve efficiency, while providing its customers with essential goods and services. USDA user fee programs help to facilitate safe agricultural trade and open doors for U.S. agricultural products overseas, while ultimately protecting the nation’s agriculture and natural resources from harmful pests and diseases.


One central entry point for you to access information and help from USDA.