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That's a Wrap! ARS's 2019 Highlights

December 20, 2019 at 9:50 AM
Ancient grains; fermented cucumbers; red spinach and cotton wound dressing screenshot
ARS 2019 research accomplishments include: new uses for ancient grains, potential health benefits of fermented cucumbers, the world's first red spinach, and an advanced cotton wound dressing.

Hard to believe 2019 is almost over. With New Year's Eve fast approaching, it's that time of year when many of us take a moment to reflect on all the things we accomplished during the year.

They say time flies when you're having fun … or even when you're just working hard, and 2019 has certainly been a busy year for the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), our scientists, and their support staffs. ARS scientists conduct important research on subjects ranging from A to Z (alfalfa to zebra chip)—solving urgent problems affecting agriculture at home and abroad.

During the past 12 months, we've brought you stories about our research on a wide variety of topics, including an advanced cotton wound dressing that helps stanch bleeding, a new online nutrient database for researchers and consumers, information on the benefits of fermented cucumbers, to the release of the first map of spotted lanternfly establishment, how ARS is helping the U.S. Army revitalize soil with pulverized paper, and even how ARS research touches your July 4th celebration. Whew! And that was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg! And speaking of greens, ARS also developed and released the world’s first true red spinach variety.

While all of that cutting-edge research was going on, we also launched our new multimedia website, Tellus, which re-envisions how we share information about ARS research with the public.

As the year draws to a close, we'd like to share with you some ARS highlights from 2019.

While taking time to reflect on the past year, we're also gearing up for 2020, so keep an eye out for stories on these topics coming next year:

  • Turning Food Waste into Healthful Delights
  • New Breakfast Cereal Made with ARS Wheat
  • Apple Breeding Program Takes Root Across the Country
  • Mold-free Strawberries? Yes, Please!

We here at ARS hope you have a happy and productive New Year!


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