On August 7, 2012, USDA-APHIS National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) experts and representatives from other Federal research laboratories in northern Colorado will host a free, 1-day technology transfer fair for individuals interested in learning more about northern Colorado’s Federal research laboratories, their expertise, and potential products, tools and techniques available for transfer to the private sector. The event will be held from 9:00am-4:30pm MST at the Drake Centre in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Northern Colorado is home to many Federal research laboratories. In addition to supporting their various agency missions, these labs generate business opportunities for the private sector through their basic and applied research that leads to the development of new products, tools, and techniques. These synergistic relationships with the private sector not only improve the quality and impact of our research, but also promote growth for our nation’s economy.

“The goals of the fair are to highlight Federal expertise; encourage new partnerships and collaborations; and promote technology transfer particularly related to agriculture, natural resources, bioscience, and clean energy,” notes NWRC’s Technology Transfer Program Manager Dr. Kathleen Fagerstone.
NWRC representatives are hosting the event with colleagues from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Forest Service, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Agricultural Research Service, and several non-governmental groups. The event will have a tradeshow atmosphere with case studies of effective industry-government partnerships, booths highlighting Federal expertise and available technologies, and discussions on how to partner with Federal labs. To learn more, visit the event’s website at www.aphis.usda.gov/2012TechTransferFair.