As a parent, Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is a chance to physically demonstrate what we as parents do while our children are in school. It’s an opportunity to show them that they can aspire to be anything they dream to be. When my daughter told me she had to share with her class what her parents did as an occupation, it was exciting to learn that she was able to explain to her classmates about the work that we do at USDA and how it connects to the food they eat.
It generated conversation and she soon realized the similarities between other students and their parents’ professions. We want our children to feel connected, and I believe sharing what we do at work is just as important as asking our children what they do at school. What’s even neater is being able to share the very important work that we do at USDA and showing my daughter how it really does relate to everyday life.
As USDA employees, we have a unique opportunity to show our children—through Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day—not only what we do as civil servants but also give them insight into how to be successful, how to work together and overcome challenges and explore new ones. It’s a great opportunity for me personally to say, “You know those red seedless grapes you’re eating?". My “job” is responsible for developing the majority of those sold in stores today. And, by the way, you can watch this video about our grape research, too! [View: New Sunpreme Grape Variety from USDA-ARS]. I love sharing information with my children that is relevant to them. I’m proud to be a USDA employee, and sharing what agriculture means and how what we do affects every facet of my girls’ lives is how I pay it forward.