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Partnerships Bolster Nutrition Messaging through “Grain Chain” Videos

October 22, 2012 at 12:13 PM

The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) and its partners use a coordinated messaging approach to amplify the reach of themes and nutrition messages related to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Themes include Foods to Increase, Foods to Reduce, Balancing Calories, “Make half your plate fruits and vegetables” and “Avoid oversized portions.”

One recent example of this collaboration was in support of the message “Make at least half your grains whole grains.” Multiple national partners committed to promoting and supporting grains rallied together and formed a group known as the “Grain Chain.” Members included American Bakers Association, Wheat Foods Council, Grains Food Foundation, National Pasta Association, USA Rice Federation, General Mills, and Kellogg’s. The “Grain Chain” partnered to produce a series of educational “how-to” videos highlighting whole grains as well as a series of tasty recipes featuring whole grains. The videos are now available at Recipes coming soon!

CNPP’s partnerships in the public and private sector make up the Nutrition Communicators Network. Currently CNPP has 6,333 Community Partners and 97 National Strategic Partners in the Nutrition Communicators Network. Community Partners encompass various sectors including:  schools, universities, hospitals, local health practitioners, non-profits, faith-based groups, FNCS food assistance programs, and local government. The National Strategic Partners include the health and professional organizations, entertainment and media, food retail, food industry, weight loss, and various groups specializing in developing and distributing nutrition education products. The National Strategic Partners are especially supportive of our mission and are very dedicated to the promotion of MyPlate and the related messaging.

For more on CNPP partnering programs, visit our website.


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