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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011

December 19, 2011 at 12:21 PM

As 2011 draws to an end, this is a time where we begin to look back on things we learned or achieved, and to make resolutions for the year ahead.  We wanted to take the end of 2011 to look back on the wide range of social media activities that we had the pleasure of planning, executing and watching unfold across the Department in an effort to better serve you, our most important audience. From Twitter chats, to video challenges, to new ways to share valuable data, we think USDA really upped the ante on the social media front this year.

It wasn't easy to choose among the great work of our agencies and passionate voices of our workforce, but we singled out a few of our favorite social media moments that used the web and social media to better connect with you, tell amazing stories that showcase the value of our mission and encourage innovation from our partners. It’s true that some of our favorite moments are much more than that, but each signals an important moment that gets us ever closer to providing better customer service and delivering important information, resources and a bit of fun in ways and places that make sense to you.

Over the next 8 days we’ll be posting a new Social Media Moment, so be sure to check back daily to see examples of the creative and interesting ways USDA has worked to get information to you and key stakeholders. We'd love to hear from you along the way, too.

We can’t wait for next year.


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