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Dr. Hallie Hasel Discusses Life as a Field Veterinarian

October 27, 2011 at 9:45 AM

Hi, Dr. Hallie Hasel here.  I’ve been a field veterinary medical officer for USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for the past eight years.  I work in western Kansas, an area with very large dairies, feedlots and some swine operations.

I’m a veterinarian because I have a desire to work in both agriculture and the livestock industry, especially in rural areas.  I started out in private practice.  I spent 10 years as the sole proprietor of a mixed animal practice and loved it.  However, I had the chance to sell my practice right as this APHIS job became available and I took it.  It’s been a great decision.

These days, I support animal health through many different types of work.  I deal directly with producers or with private veterinarians.  I work with sale barns and I also do a lot of export work with the livestock industry, both dairy and beef, in my area.  I’ve done a lot of work with international exports but sending heifers to Russia stands out in my mind as one of the greatest learning experiences.  It was really neat to be able to work with the Russian delegates and veterinarians.

I’ve enjoyed working with colleagues over at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on wild horse gathers in Utah, Nevada and Oregon.  I get to couple my animal health skills with political savvy to help make sure the project is successful.

But the most memorable moment of my career so far has to be delivering two sets of bovine triplets – and everyone lived!

I find it fulfilling to do my part to assist producers with their animals.  It’s cool to be able to help people make a living and be successful and happy while they’re doing it.


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