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CNPP Partners Deliver DGA Consumer Messages

March 18, 2013

The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) and its National Strategic Partners work together to deliver coordinated, consumer-friendly messages that promote the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to a broad audience.   Recent messages disseminated included Make half your plate fruits and vegetables, Enjoy your food, but eat less and Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

Partner promotion activities vary for each message, but are far-reaching.  The following are examples of how several of our National Strategic Partners encouraged Americans to replace sugary drinks with water, reaching 91 million consumers and 4.4 million consumer influencers:

  • Nestlé Water North America created an educational Daily Buzz TV segment which reached 1.2 million viewers, as well as two Audio News Releases, which aired on nearly 1,900 stations.
  • Weight Watchers International launched a 4-week challenge during which over a thousand members swapped a usual sugary beverage for water.
  • Other successful Partner activities included Sunkist’s promotion of water with lemon as the “Ultimate Diet Drink” and Learning ZoneXpress’ educational materials illustrated the sugar content of sweetened beverages though sugar cube equivalents.
The power of partnership to disseminate nutrition messages based on the Dietary Guidelines and the MyPlate icon is tremendous.

Nestlé Water North America created an educational Daily Buzz TV segment which reached 1.2 million viewers, as well as two Audio News Releases, which aired on nearly 1,900 stations.

The power of partnership to disseminate nutrition messages based on the Dietary Guidelines and the MyPlate icon is tremendous.  The National Strategic Partners alone reached 65 million consumes and 6.5 million consumer influencers with the message, Make half your plate fruits and vegetables in addition to a calculated 2.633 BILLION media impressions.  For the Enjoy your food, but eat less message, Partners reportedly reached 9.5 million consumers and 21.7 million consumer-influencers, as well as generating 221 million media impressions.

As of March 1, 2013, the USDA/CNPP Nutrition Communicators Network consisted of 101 National Strategic Partners and over 7,500 Community Partners, who work both collaboratively and independently to communicate consumer messages. Community Partners include schools, hospitals, local health practitioners, non-profits, faith-based groups, FNCS food assistance programs, and local governments. National Strategic Partners include health and professional organizations, entertainment and media, food retail, and groups specializing in developing and distributing nutrition education products. The commitment of the Nutrition Communicators Network to improve consumer health through the contribution their resources is essential to successfully disseminating MyPlate and Dietary Guidelines messages to a broad audience.

For more information about CNPP partnering programs, visit our website.


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