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Vian, Oklahoma Helps Enhance School Facilities While Inspiring Fitness Through USDA Rural Development's Community Facilities Program

July 9, 2012
A grader works on preparing Vian, Oklahoma’s new track, funded in part through USDA’s Community Facilities Program.

As construction gets underway, Vian, Oklahoma residents eagerly await the completion of their new regulation size track and fitness facility. 

This small rural community located in eastern Sequoyah County hopes to encourage fitness and healthy living with the new facility, funded in part by USDA Rural Development in partnership with other agencies.  Residents will be able to utilize the track for exercise routines, thereby promoting safety and fitness as the need to run on city streets and highways is eliminated.  Vian Public Schools also plan to utilize the new track in place of their existing, deteriorated, and under-sized track which also lacks space for field events.  The new track will allow the school to host regional track meets and events which will draw visitors to their community.

The new track will be located in close proximity to the community's new sports complex.   Many partners are pitching in to make this project a reality.  In addition to the $200,000 Community Facilities grant, provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Oklahoma Department of Tourism is contributing a $260,695 grant.  The Vian Community Charitable Trust donated the land, valued at $81,000; and the dirt-work, valued at $124,200, is being donated by the Cherokee Nation.   The rock base for the track is estimated to cost $38,400 which will be covered by the Sequoyah County Commissioners and the Vian Public Schools will contribute $22,000 to the new facilities.

To find out more about how the USDA Community Facilities Program can assist your rural city, town or village, click here.


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