USDA Rural Development, Farm Service Agency, and Natural Resource Conservation Service in Nebraska held the “Feds, Farmers, and Friends Feed Families” food drive through July 30, from which 8,352 pounds of food were collected.
USDA employees, farmers, and friends joined together to combat hunger throughout Nebraska in conjunction with USDA’s nationwide food collection outreach.
Nebraska USDA office employees posted fliers, and set up containers in their offices to collect non-perishable food and delivered it to their chosen food distribution center. Some food distribution centers were able to accept perishable food donated from gardens while others were willing to accept cash and checks with which to purchase food. Offices decided which group(s) in their area to whom they would donate.
The food will help children who may not have enough to eat during the summer, families seeking shelter from domestic violence, seniors on fixed incomes, men, women and children in drug and alcohol rehab centers, children in emergency shelter, and the homeless. The national food drive wraps up today. For more information click here.