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healthy forests

Tree Breeding: Creating Tomorrow’s Healthy Forests Today

June 12, 2018 Paul Zankowski, Senior Advisor for Plant Health and Production and Plant Products, Office of the Chief Scientist and Sarah Federman, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Office of the Chief Scientist

Immobile and long-lived, trees endure extreme weather, fires, and pests for tens, hundreds, and even thousands of years. In Fishlake National Forest, Utah, there is a quaking aspen colony spanning 106 acres that is roughly 80,000 years old. To give you a sense of scale, if the average human lives 79...

Research and Science

O Halloween, Arachnophobia, Entomophobia, and Why Insects Exist

October 30, 2014 Paul Ross, U.S. Forest Service

They squirm, crawl, scurry and swarm … and they’re all around us. More than 900,000 species of insects and arachnids are found around the world, and some people would rather not come into contact with even one of the often misunderstood critters. The fear for me came when I was 7 years old during...


Forest Service Puts Out 'Bat' Signal for You to Get Involved

October 28, 2013 Leah Anderson, Eastern Region, U.S. Forest Service

Synonymous with a superhero signal in the sky and silhouettes hanging upside down in a darkened cave, bats inspire a long-standing fascination, and with good reason: Bats are vital to healthy ecosystems and human economies world-wide. With Halloween upon us and many people believing bats are creepy...

Conservation Forestry Research and Science
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