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Radio Newsline Archive

Farm Bill Extension Impacts on Farm Group Wish Lists?

00:01:00.264   2024-01-05   
How does an extension of the current Farm Bill impact the wish lists of various commodity groups and ag organizations for a new one? (Rod Bain. Jobe Young of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Andy LaVigne of the American Seed Trade Association.)

Coming Soon--New USDA Forecasts for South American Crop Production

00:01:00.107   2024-01-05   
What are the prospects for the South American soybean crop? We will soon get a new forecast from USDA. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: USDA Tracking South American Crop Prospects

00:00:32.992   2024-01-05   
Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman, saying his group is monitoring South American crop developments closely. USDA will release its next forecast this coming Friday, January 12th.

Actuality: Western Snowpack Reports

00:00:49.345   2024-01-05   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at mountain snowpack accumulations to begin 2024 in some Western ranges, and the potential for more as the winter snowpack season continues.

Concern about Sierra Nevada Snowpack Levels

00:01:00.160   2024-01-05   
Snowpack accumulations in the mountain range that provides California most of its water supply are concerning as the new year gets underway. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Are Our Pets Too Fat for Their Own Good?

00:00:59.480   2024-01-05   
Just like many of their owners, many U.S. pets are putting on too much weight. (Gary Crawford and Dr. Susan Nelson)

Actuality: Fat Pets Can Develop Many Health Problems

00:00:36.728   2024-01-05   
Dr. Susan Nelson, veterinarian at Kansas State University, saying that if your pet is overweight, it can develop many health problems and have a shorter lifespan