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Radio Newsline Archive

Extremes from Cross Country Weather Pattern

00:00:59.663   2023-05-02   
Snow in some locales and ninety-degree temperatures in others make up a storm system now making its way across the country. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Slow Moving Storm and Illinois Impacts

00:00:59.506   2023-05-02   
A slow-moving weather system that has covered much of the Midwest the past few days garnered attention Monday due to a dust storm in the Illini State. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Impacts from Slow-Moving Weather System

00:00:37.146   2023-05-02   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses some of the impacts created by a slow-moving weather system that has covered an area from the Central Plains to the Eastern Corn Belt.

Actuality: Hot Western Temperatures and Cool Mountain Snowpack

00:01:00.055   2023-05-02   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses recent high temperatures in the West and its impacts on mountain snowpacks in the region.

Actuality: 8 to 14 Day Weather Forecast

00:00:50.128   2023-05-02   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says near to above normal temperatures and precipitation is expected to cover much of the country for the period of May 9 - 15.

This Is National Small Business Week

00:01:00.029   2023-05-02   
The President has declared this week as National Small Business Week. (Gary Crawford. President Joe Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris)

Some Amazing Facts about the Current Avian Influenza Outbreak

00:01:00.342   2023-05-02   
A veterinarian has some surprising facts about the current avian influenza outbreak vs. the one in 2015. (Gary Crawford and Dr. Yuko Sato, Iowa State University)

Actuality: Poultry Industry Has Vastly Improved Biosecurity since 2015

00:00:22.282   2023-05-02   
Dr. Yuko Sato, Iowa State University veterinarian, says avian Influenza infection patterns show the poultry industry has vastly improved biosecurity since 2015.