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Radio Newsline Archive

Grassland Conservation Reserve Program Acreage Sign-Up Underway

00:00:59.689   2023-04-18   
Farm producers and landowners wishing to enroll acreage in the grasslands component of the Conservation Reserve Program now have that opportunity through the latest sign-up period. (Rod Bain and Farm Service Agency Associate Administrator Steve Peterson)

Investment Importance to Rural Transportation Infrastructure Improvements

00:00:59.480   2023-04-18   
The U.S. Secretary of Transportation noted the need for rural transportation infrastructure improvements through recently announced funding projects as part of his visit with farm broadcasters Tuesday. (Rod Bain and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig)

Storm System Could Bring More Fieldwork Delays

00:00:57.025   2023-04-18   
A large storm system this week could mean more fieldwork delays in the Midwest. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

More Weather Problems Ahead for Winter Wheat

00:00:58.775   2023-04-18   
There will be more weather problems this week for the nation's winter wheat crop. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Some Winter Wheat Areas Could Soon See Sub-Freezing Temps

00:01:00.029   2023-04-18   
If drought wasn't enough, some winter wheat areas could see some damaging sub-freezing temperatures by the end of this week. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Projected Flooding in Northern Red River Valley

00:00:41.769   2023-04-18   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey. talking about expected flood situation in the Red River Valley.

Actuality: National Weather Forecast for April 25 - May 1

00:00:57.469   2023-04-18   
Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist, with the national weather outlook for April 25th through May 1st.

Discussing Forest Service FY24 Budget Proposal

00:00:59.794   2023-04-18   
The U.S. Forest Service Chief spent time Tuesday talking with lawmakers about the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget and some of its priorities. (Rod Bain and Chief Randy Moore)

Actuality: Some Requests within FY24 Forest Service Budget Proposal

00:00:27.559   2023-04-18   
Chief Randy Moore discusses funding requests within areas of the U.S. Forest Service’s proposed budget for Fiscal year 2024.

Lawmakers Get an Update on the USDA's Animal Disease Vaccine Bank

00:01:00.238   2023-04-18   
USDA's animal disease vaccine bank is a work in progress. Lawmakers got an update this week. (Gary Crawford and Dr. Alecia Naugle with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)