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Radio Newsline Archive

Vilsack--Helping Small Farmers To Thrive Will Help Rural Communities

00:00:59.297   2023-03-28   
The Agriculture Secretary says helping small farmers to thrive will also do the same for rural communities. (Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Vilsack Outlines Plan To Get Discrimination Payments to Farmers

00:00:58.331   2023-03-28   
The USDA has an ambitious plan to quickly get compensation payments to farmers who have in the past been discriminated against in USDA lending programs. (Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Food/Ag. Industry Still Facing Supply Chain/Transportation Problems

00:00:58.958   2023-03-28   
The U.S. farm and food industry is still being challenged by transportation-related supply chain problems. (Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: Vilsack Gives Lawmakers Suggestions for Ag. Disaster Program

00:00:40.071   2023-03-28   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack giving the House Agriculture Committee some ideas for how to craft a permanent agricultural disaster program.

Actuality: USDA Committed to Research/ Development of Vaccines

00:00:42.997   2023-03-28   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack telling the House Agriculture Committee that his department is committed to research and development of vaccines against current and future liivestock diseases.

Actuality: Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Veterans

00:00:49.345   2023-03-28   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack outlining for the House Agriculture Committee ways in which USDA is working to get nutrition program information out to veterans and members of the military.

More Active Weather Crossing the Country This Week

00:00:59.689   2023-03-28   
Much of the nation this week is expecting some form of active weather as another system crosses the country. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Another Active Weather System Heading to the Southeast

00:01:00.055   2023-03-28   
As parts of the Southeast continue to recover from a series of tornadoes this year, another opportunity for severe weather to strike the region could occur later this week. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Active Weather and Potential Southern Plains Wildfire Threat

00:00:59.559   2023-03-28   
The latest round of active weather crossing though the Southern Plains this week could lead to enhanced conditions for wildfire activity in the region. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Possible Active Weather Impacts in Eastern Half of the U.S.

00:00:53.554   2023-03-28   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses what could occur weather-wise as an active weather system makes it way to the Eastern half of the country later this week.